Here in San Jose, organised by the San Jose Classic Chevy Club..... Bring out your car, and a toy, make a kid's day More details at the club website....
Hey guys...good luck with the weather Our 22nd annual toy run was last w/e and the weather was pretty decent(no rain) it broke a 6 year record,and brought in just over $10,000.oo and over 500 toys !
Bttt one last time for the last minite folk who realise the weathers nice today & wanna do something for the kids....
We do the same think here in Connecticut, and it is my favorite show, always have a great time I would highly suggest on going. I would like to go but I am a little to far. 3500 miles to far. sorry
Dave... Bitchin event for a cool reason. makes me wish i was done with my 54, and that i was closer! hope a HAMB brother or sister goes to this and takes pics...
PS... just went and took a gander around the hemmings club site posted Dave... any info/more photos of these couple of cars? (yes, i mean the roadster in the first pic, not the 'cuda 4x4 in the background ) Pic one Pic Two Pic Three Blown Purple coupe in this one ? Pic Four This one i think is a HAMBers caddy? Pic Five
OK, #1 is a local guy I've seen around, the car's "the real deal" built in late '40's/early '50's. # 2 is fellow HAMB'er Mikes51..... 51 Merc # 3 I've seen at a cruise night, but to monotone for my liking, but well built # 4 Is a wild ride, again, a local car, but not too much info, other than its loud, fast & looks like mega $$$$$$$ # 5 Isn't owned by a HAMB'er, it's owned by Scotty Weeks of The Strangers Car Club, Sean on here is a member, but Scotty's local too, own's his own Tattoo shop & has just started painting Tiki's...I'll try & get him to join, he's a friend of "Williesplace" also on here Hope that helps!!