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Projects 59 chrysler newyorker custom build

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by tattoos by brandon, Sep 15, 2011.

  1. tattoos by brandon
    Joined: Jun 28, 2011
    Posts: 541

    tattoos by brandon
    from salem ohio

    Well I was super happy because my order from Kanter came in today but it looks like who ever had the car before me Fucked up and pressed in a thread in ball joint but they are still good and work well so for now we will use them and replace the upper ones and all my bushings ... my plan is to take a 75 new yorker lower ball joint and part of the lower a arm and cut off my original and switch it but I'm running out of time and the ones that are in will do for now and I feel safe with them ...they have been in for over a year when we did the air ride and put oversize ones into because the ones put in buy the other owner fell right out .... got the motor assembled a little more and test fitting things before I go with them just to make sure all will work ... I'm also replacing a lot of bolts and I'm just trying to make sure I know what I need and I'm running to fastenal monday to get them ....One step forward 2 steeps back is how it has been and I feel like I'm wasting a lot of time just trying to figure out what to do and what to use ... this car will be worth it in the end and one of a kind for sure but I will never do another pre 63 mopar lol

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  2. tattoos by brandon
    Joined: Jun 28, 2011
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    tattoos by brandon
    from salem ohio

    Got a sweet cabinet for cheap for all my paint supplies and paint and clean up a huge mess and got the gary organized and found a work bench lol

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  3. porky55
    Joined: Aug 23, 2013
    Posts: 269


    Cars looking good. Love these forward look cars.

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  4. 50dodge4x4
    Joined: Aug 7, 2004
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    On post 114, the starter does not bolt up to that bottom bolt hole on the block. It bolts up o the transmission in that cut out area just above the lower flange on the block. The back of starter mounting plate that the bolts go through will be flush with the back surface of the block where the transmission bolts to. The starter will actually be higher, farther back, and closer to the block then where you have it pictured. The header tubes will be close to the starter, but unless they were welded wrong, they will clear the starter.

    Also, I believe the alternator brackets you have should work with your motor. They will have to be mounted like the 1st assembly picture in your series. I believe all the alternator brackets for a big block Mopar mount to the water pump housing, not the heads. The last assembly picture is actually a generator mounting bracket picture, a generator is longer then an alternator and had to be shifted farther away from the motor for clearance. Gene
  5. 73RR
    Joined: Jan 29, 2007
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    Gene, the alternator swings on a long bolt that does go to the head. This is not a great pic but the best I could find on short notice (and easier than walking out to the shop...)

  6. tattoos by brandon
    Joined: Jun 28, 2011
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    tattoos by brandon
    from salem ohio

    Tanks for the info and 73RR told me this not to long after I posted I didn't think I bolted there but my dad insisted and I listed because he was the ones who removed it but he could have had to many scooby snacks Lol but it still will not bolt to my trans and for it to be even close it hits the block and won't turn correctly and it has a 10 tooth gear and I need a 9 tooth that will fit my 172 or w.e flywheel... my heads do not have the hold drilled beck they are pre 63? But a friend is making me brackets on his cnc plasma machine ... Also the last pic was to show how my old generator mounted

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  7. tattoos by brandon
    Joined: Jun 28, 2011
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    tattoos by brandon
    from salem ohio

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  8. tattoos by brandon
    Joined: Jun 28, 2011
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    tattoos by brandon
    from salem ohio

    The big problem I am running into now is the bottom balljoints are spouse to be a thread in but the previous owner pressed them in so when we did the air ride my friend pressed in over sized ball joints and I believe I messed one up so I figured just replace them all but Idk if I'm going to run in to any problems

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  9. George
    Joined: Jan 1, 2005
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    Guess it's a matter of weather the threads are dicked up.
  10. tattoos by brandon
    Joined: Jun 28, 2011
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    tattoos by brandon
    from salem ohio

    It's the threads that hold the ball joint into the bottom a arm but I thinking about chopping the off and putting the ones for my 75 new yorker spindles on so it takes the new ball joints

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  11. George
    Joined: Jan 1, 2005
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    Can't remember what I did when I put the '77 NYer spindles on my '60 plym.
  12. George
    Joined: Jan 1, 2005
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    I didn't make any changes to the A Arms. I don't recall weather I bought '60 or '77 ball joints but they seemed to go in w/o a problem but the alignment guy said something about having to shim something.
  13. tattoos by brandon
    Joined: Jun 28, 2011
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    tattoos by brandon
    from salem ohio

    Thanks for the info and I believe these should work there really not bad just needs new boots from me trying to get them off ... and my goal is to have it driving within the month and next winter if needed I can fab some stuff

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  14. tattoos by brandon
    Joined: Jun 28, 2011
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    tattoos by brandon
    from salem ohio

    I got the bushings in the upper a arms and did a little body work and started to clean my transmission so I can get that painted soon ... it's been a rough week my dad's been Sick and it's just been me working on the car when I could ... I finished the remodel of my tattoo shop and got the garage cleaned ...the remodel took all my energy and I feel like I'm starting to get sick so I'm taking a day or 2 off from the car and downing some vitamins and I should be back on the car Thursday or Friday night ...

    I dropped the power steering pump off to orileys but it's been three days I they keep telling me to call back and talk to some one ells because that person does not know what to do ... it's starting to pass me off ...and I ordered my gear ring for my converter and they got it in and never called and I stopped in to get it and they can't find it and that was the last one ... auto zone found one after I got them the part number their computer keep bring up the wrong one but it's only 30 bucks and I paid for and ordered it ... I got to return a couple things to summit they they gave me wrong and get the right starter and I should be back in business soon ... I also decided on a dark root beer metallic with a flat clear for the body instead of black

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  15. tattoos by brandon
    Joined: Jun 28, 2011
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    tattoos by brandon
    from salem ohio

    Here are some pics of the shop I worked my ass off on and the last post had a cool pic my friend found of the car on the interweb
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  16. tattoos by brandon
    Joined: Jun 28, 2011
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    tattoos by brandon
    from salem ohio

    Got a little done with the body work and put some primer on so I could start blocking some areas and get a better idea of what I got going on also cleaned up the transmission a little and should be painting it by the weekend

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  17. impala4speed
    Joined: Jan 31, 2010
    Posts: 597


    Been following your thread and have to tell you I like what you're doing; a really cool car. I'm not too far from you so I hope I see you and your car at some shows this summer.
    Read that your dad had some health issues. Hope he's OK.
  18. tattoos by brandon
    Joined: Jun 28, 2011
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    tattoos by brandon
    from salem ohio

    Thanks man and I want it's to be a nice custome and different but being different is a pain in the ass lol and he's doing good now they found out its was a pice of glass in his throat and original thought it was cancer because of the size of the absence from the infection ... have u been to the salem hot rod super nationals? Or super cruise

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  19. impala4speed
    Joined: Jan 31, 2010
    Posts: 597


    Glad to hear Dad is doing well. Yeah, I usually go to at least the Super Cruise in Salem, that's a cool event. Hope to see you there this year.
  20. tattoos by brandon
    Joined: Jun 28, 2011
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    tattoos by brandon
    from salem ohio

    Right on well this year stop by the shop I have state street tattoo and state street salon down town salem feel free to check them out and kick it

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  21. tattoos by brandon
    Joined: Jun 28, 2011
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    tattoos by brandon
    from salem ohio

    Didn't do much but I did what I could when I had the time and I got a big day planned for tomorrow and next week here's some pics of the car I started to untapped it so I can clean it up and do a better job of tapping for paint friend had a blasting cabinet he let me barrow and works very well for the rest of my small parts but I had to tape the seems because it was leaking sand a good bit was a nice day so once I got done at the shop and lawn work I opened the garage and started to clean up and get some of the dust out ... got the transmission almost ready for paint also

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  22. tattoos by brandon
    Joined: Jun 28, 2011
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    tattoos by brandon
    from salem ohio

    Well I got the ring gear for the flywheel and I just need to find out the best way to take the old off without hurting the tabs that will hold the new in place ... Also I will be fabricating the part to attach the new master cylinder and booster to the original brake peddle assembly. .. here are some pics of what the difference is and my plan is it take some longer nuts and weld them together for adjustment and take 4 washers and weld them together for the I bolt style hole ... I looked everywhere in town and could not find a hime joint or anything that would work

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  23. cobra_4
    Joined: Sep 5, 2012
    Posts: 233


    Very cool build! Subin'
  24. bill s preston esq
    Joined: Feb 1, 2011
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    bill s preston esq

    man, i love gold engines.
  25. tattoos by brandon
    Joined: Jun 28, 2011
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    tattoos by brandon
    from salem ohio

    Well I haven't got much done but I've been doing a little here and there ... I keep having to fix what my dad does so I'm just telling him I can do the rest on my own because he is not putting any real effort into the car and im.over having to fix or re do things that some who is very good at the job is doing a half ass job ...

    I'm working on it tonight and will be making a trip to summit to get the starter I need and various other little things so I can begin finishing the motor bay and motor ... One month till my driving dead line ... my gold it so get the body work roughly done and seal it and concentrate on getting the car driving for the hot rod super nationals in my home town then hopefully have the rear quarters done and last coat of primer on it and take it to good guys columbas and paint the body by August for the wedding ... times like these I wish I had friend that could help lol

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  26. tattoos by brandon
    Joined: Jun 28, 2011
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    tattoos by brandon
    from salem ohio

    On the other hand I stopped by my good friends house to see how the 52 is coming and lend a had doing some small stuff the starter in and figured out our Pulley and bracket set up ... we switched to a long water pump and put the alternator on the correct size and will be re locating the battery to the rear

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  27. tattoos by brandon
    Joined: Jun 28, 2011
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    tattoos by brandon
    from salem ohio

    Well I've been hand sanding the engine bay and other fun stuff that's pointless to take pictures of but I came home to an awesome surprise... the steering box arrived and it was $420 to have it completely rebuilt and some stuff replaced ... just waiting on my pump and I'm ready to go ... Also trying to find a place this will remove and install my new ring gear for the flex plate

    Steer and gear In Columbus fid a great job
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  28. 73RR
    Joined: Jan 29, 2007
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    Any decent machine shop should be able to r&r the ring.
    That said, you can also do it: grind through the welds but don't go crazy, knock the ring loose/off away from the welds. Heat the new ring in an oven...maybe 300° for 20 minutes... and drop it back on the converter in reverse direction of removal. If you left the welds a bit proud then the ring will stop where it needs to be. Re-weld.

  29. CRAWLER07
    Joined: Sep 20, 2009
    Posts: 16


    car looks great, and as every one has said the gold block is where its at!
    I have been looking at that same compressor at tractor supply how do you like it? is it loud?
  30. tattoos by brandon
    Joined: Jun 28, 2011
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    tattoos by brandon
    from salem ohio

    I got a new ring and the has like pressed on tabs and I didn't know if I could just grind them ..remove and install the new one and weld it up

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