What's the normal pot life on that stuff? I've never shot it. Is this 2 part? I've only shot one-part epoxy for appliances. Are there 12 threads devoted to this very subject?
Pot life...after mixing....very short! I'd be sure to shoot it all within an hour or 2. Of course it also depends on the brand and type of eooxy...ALWAYS consult your tech sheets! DO NOT go by advice you hear anywhere! Aso for the OP, 2 gals will cover the car with 2-3 coats, depending onn how much you reduce it. Of course if you plan on doing work on it, and you'll be sanding to bare in spots, you'll need more. If you are using an epoxy that can fill, and/or seal, you'll need more. I usually figure on 4 gals, using HOK epoxy, as it is an excellent filler, and sealer, so it's all I use on a job.
need to know the mixing ratio. some are 2:1 which will give you 1.5 gallons, some are 1:1 which will give you 2 gallons mixed. Look up or ask for the tech sheet for the primmer you buy. They are easy to look up on the net just by googling the name and or part number, example... PPG DP40 Some epoxies need to set mixed for a short time before spraying, this allows for the chemical reaction that causes epoxy to harden and adhere to happen. Most epoxies have a long pot life, this will be on the tech sheet. Don't trust every thing you here from the guy selling it. Use a quality respirator in a well ventilated area.
I've found that the guy behind the counter selling paint, in most cases, has never shot paint...best to read the tech sheets.
I've been hearing good things about SPI primers. I think I'll be giving them a try. I believe their ratio is 1:1. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Certainly. I was expecting something a lot shorter though. Like 30 mins or 45 mins. I shot my little boat in catalyzed polyurethane, under a plastic tent I built in the driveway. It was about 80F that day and that urethane kicked almost before I could shoot a couple quarts and rinse the gun. I didn't consider that the temp was probably 15 deg hotter in my tent, than what I mixed the paint for. Even 10 degrees makes a difference, if you're not in a climate controlled environment (or a big shop where the temp is pretty stable.)
Hi, Just for info, there is a general rule of thumb that reaction rates double (in this sense the activator/catalyst/hardener doing its job) for every 10 degree Celsius or 16 degrees Fahrenheit. The quote (if interested) from Wikipedia is: The influence of temperature is described by the Arrhenius equation. As a rule of thumb, reaction rates for many reactions double for every 10 degrees Celsius increase in temperature, though the effect of temperature may be very much larger or smaller than this. The long and technical descriptions is here. So a typical TDS might say something like: 20 degrees C 8 hours 30 degrees C 4 hours 40 degrees C 2 hours 50 degrees C 1 hour 60 degrees C 30 minutes - you get the idea Cheers.
I mix it 2 guns full at a time, takes a little longer but you're not rushed while spraying. Let's you take a break in the recoat window.
EPOXY PRIMER 06/2013 Gun Tip: 1.4 or 1.5 As a reduced sealer use a 1.3 or 1.4 Product Numbers: 6600- White 6610- Gray 6620- Black 6630- Red Oxide 6700- Activator V.O.C. 2:1 VOC Ready to Spray Mix: 1:1 or 1 part SPI Epoxy to 1 part SPI Epoxy Activator 30 minutes of induction is recommended When you first open part A of the epoxy, it is VERY important to make sure that all settling on the bottom of the can is mixed up very well with your paint stick. If not mixed properly, you can destroy the epoxy and as a side note, paint shakers DO NOT perform well with settled epoxy so always use a paint stick. We strongly recommend you activate the epoxy by first stirring very well and then allowing it to set/ induce for 30 minutes. Stir once again before spraying and the longer you wait between spraying your coats of epoxy the better. Pot Life: 72-120 hours depending on humidity and temperature (store in a sealed container). Uses for SPI Epoxy: SPI Epoxy is one of the finest available and it’s great for use on any type of metal or aluminum if properly sanded and cleaned. This epoxy eliminates the need for an acidetch primer. Use this epoxy on bare fiberglass or SMC before applying body fillers or 2K primers
That's what I ended up doing as well. I mixed 1/2 gal and shot it as fast as possible. I tried to go lean on the kicker, but that temp rise nearly bit me.