Hi Im in the process of painting my truck. I've never done this before and I need a little help mixing the paint. I have PPG Delstar DAR acrylic Enamel and PPG Delthane Ultra DXR80 Hardner with OMNI Medium Reducer MR186. When I bought the paint the guy wrote down : Mix Reducer 6 and Hardner 1 but he didnt say anthing about the paint. Can someone give me a mix ratio? Thanks M
I found the paint spec on the PPG site it says Color 8 Reducer 3 and Hardner 1. Does this sound right to any of you experienced painters out there?
Take your time. WEAR A RESPIRATOR!!!! THAT SHIT DOES VILE THINGS TO YER INNARDS! Beyond that, make sure you keep it warm overnight. The 80 hardener makes it flow some and don't be pissed if it's still a lil "sticky" in the mornin. Good luck.
Make sure the metal is warm. You need the temp in the shop to be above 70 and for it to stay that way for around 8 hrs after your finished. The mix sounds a bit crazy but good luck to you.
I finished the first color (2 tone paint job). It looks OK. I did get some fish eye, some orange peel, and a few drips. Since its a shop truck my goal was pretty low (10 feet away it should look good) and I think I achieved it. Its a going to be a red and white 1964 F100. I dont think Im going to get the 70 degree shop all night so I hope it will set up in time anyway. Im going to let it sit for a few days before I mask it off an paint the white. How many days should I let it sit before its safe to mask, does anyone know? Thank you all for the support and the great tips Mike Sanders PS Ill post pics when Im done.
Im just amazed that you can still find ppg products in Ca. We can't get it in our town now, (Lancaster). Where did you find it here, and please give me the address because this was always my brand of choice. Also that mix ratio sounds a little squirrly, but i guess the spec sheet can't be wrong. Good luck and please let me know. Thanks
I got the paint at the Pomona Swap Meet. There is a guy who sells it out of the back of his truck. He's there every time. I got two gallons (1 white and 1 red) for $150 with hardner and reducer. BTW.... Pomona Swap is this Sunday. M