Ok guys if this is fixable, I figure someone here would know how to do it. I know I should've been more careful (note: already kicking myself here) but what's done is done. On Wednesday I was cleaning up my computer and burning disks of all my folders I'd accumulated over the past couple of years. Somehow I missed one folder... one big folder that had all my photos from trips and shows over the past two years and deleted it. Yep. And it's already gone from my recycle bin. Is there anything I can do to bring this folder or at very least parts of it back? TIA
It might be possible to recover, if the disc space hasn't been over written by another file. The files aren't deleted, but are marked as that part of the drive is now available for rewrite. Look here for an easy explaination and a free recovery program that can be run from a floppy if needed. Hopefully you know the name of the folder and the names of the files. This will help locate them for recovery. You may also want to get this utility program on another computer, so it won't have a chance to over write the folder space you are trying to recover. http://aumha.org/a/recover.php http://aumha.org/downloads/restoration.exe Hope this helps.
It's talking a while, but so far I've recovered a couple hundred of the thousands of photos I lost. And even at that, I'm totally stoked. Thanks a bunch!!!
Glad to hear you're able to recover some of your files. The faster you can fix a problem like this, the better chance that the drive sectors haven't been over written and the info lost for good. Good luck and hope you can get a bunch more recovered!
Seeing as how we are talking about recovery ... Have you used, or do you have an opinion about "Ghost" from Norton? If I understand how it works, it leaves a copy of files in a different location. (trouble is; I don't think it can be installed "after the fact" - loss of files) I have "bailed" myself out of a similar problem with this program, but it seems to slow the computer down quite a bit.
Hi Doc, how ya doin'? If your refering to "Recovery Programs"; I did a quick search off my Norton product, but they don't seem to support "Mac's." Here is the site (product list) if you want to browse. >>> http://www.symantec.com/home_homeoffice/products/backup_recovery/ghost10/index.html Maybe some other Mac users can reply? Dave
Blacksix... I tried that freeundelete. Is there a way I can get it to search for the lost folder and not the "C" drive? I can't seem to get it to do that. Luckily I've recovered about half of the files with program jetdctr posted. Thanks again guys!
Mel, tap your toes together three times and; Repeat after me; "I will backup my files MORE often." ... "I will backup my files MORE often!" The voice of experience speaking! Go slow and easy; and good luck!
You might want to try http://www.r-undelete.com/ You could use the demo to see if the files are there. Its a good program. Jdee
Hey Mel, was trying to make you feel a bit better! (humour always helps) I can understand your frustration of the loss of files. Just over a year ago I had my computer literally "burn up" (cooling fan failed and the hard drive got "wiped") and I lost a huge amount of pictures and text files. (I do technical writing) Many of the pictures were irreplaceable. In an effort to prevent this ever happening again, I looked at various ways of "Backing Up" more frequently. OR, keeping more than one copy. (putting the same picture into at least TWO files) To keep the system from telling me that, "That file already exists" I ALWAYS (now) put a more detailed description of each picture, (looking at a "whack" of jpeg numbers can get confusing) and put an "A" in front of the description of the first one, and a "B" in front of the second copy. I keep both the "A's" and "B's" in the same FOLDER but different FILES. (one file called "A" pictures; the other file "B" pictures) Makes it go faster when it comes time to do a comparision with the DVD(s) mentioned in the next step. THEN! (and there is a sign over my computer to remind me!) AT LEAST once a week, I "burn" a DVD of the files that have been added during the previous week. If the material (text and pictures) is VERY important, I "burn" separate DVDs of BOTH the "A" AND "B" pictures. (my DVD recorder allows me to add more material until the disk is full) Some people might think this a little "over kill"; but when you have a deadline for submissions, and the pictures are an important part of the submission; I call it EXTRA INSURANCE!! About once a month, I do a comparison of the contents of the DVD(s) and the computer folders to make sure the pictures made it to the DVD, (and related text files) and THEN delete them from the computer. Sounds complicated; but once you get into the habbit of doing it each week, it becomes second nature. I'm sorry if this sounds like the "ramblings" of a "dumb 'OLE GUY", but when I read your "plea", it reminded me of what had happened to me and how I'm trying to make sure it NEVER happens again!!!! Oh BTW, ... stilettos will work!!
A...B.... Huh? My head is spinning.... I think I'll just put all my pics on a CD from now on. I am glad that some of the files could be found.... well, at least they were the important ones anyway (people, ect). Nearly all my car pics were lost though..... oh well... those can be retaken. I smell a road trip coming on Thanks again.
Yep, THAT'S the simple version! Take care; and good talking to you! Road trip ... need a co-pilot? Dave
IF you have microsoft xp you might want to try this: Got to Start(bottom left corner) and hit that button Then hit ALL PROGRAMS Then go to the area where it say ACCESSORIES THen to the area where it says SYSTEM TOOLS after that go down to where it shows SYSTEM RESTORE and follow its directions !! Real easy just go back a day before you made all those changes and it will look like it did before all those changes. after you get there save those files !!! and then follow the directions again and put it back on todays date hope this helps!!!!!!!!
You know, I was trying to figure out how to system restore when this first happened. And it probably would have worked better than all the recovery had I caught it. Interesting thing was that it brought back the main folder, with all 109 subfolders, mostly empty. Only a couple still had photos (which I'd already restored) in them. Oh well, worth a shot and definately on my "tools to remember" list now! Dave, you wanna be my co-pilot? Hmmmm... well I DO gotta come back to Minnesota and drive my car out here to LA this summer. Can ya handle a 2000 mile trip with a trailer on the back of a '59 Dodge? Cuz that's MY plan! You can actually hear my dad turn green with sickness when I told him my plan..... I think he's only excited about working on the car together before I leave.
DrJ as long as you have not done a secure erase, which actually writes over the hard drive location so no one can figure out what was on the drive there you can use a program like this:http://www.prosofteng.com/products/data_rescue_info.php?PHPSESSID=9b7abd34b4b37a18e2cd5b66f18622af