Damn..........for all you that are so concerned, let me introduce myself. I am married, 29, five week old little girl and I hate skydiving. I have a 53 f100 with chevy running gear, camaro subframe and rear end. I believe in sittin' shit on the ground or I don't want it. I also have a 63 vw with a 4 inch narrowed beam, 1641, dual webers and mild cam. I don't pay people to work on my rides, I can screw it up all by myself and I'll take a beat up rat over a 50K glass ride anyday. Take it easy guys and thanks to those who like spreading the word of rods ansd fuck the hall monitors!
you have me laughing! well, at least as much as one can without alerting the cubicle police to suspected internet activity "COKEMAN says ease off my nuts" "fuck the hall monitors" hilarious! fuck those fuckers indeed. ed
A fucking newbie with balls? Shit this has been a long time coming. Welcome and enjoy. "Hall monitor's" HaHaHa
Welcome Cokeman! nice ride,and your from the South. How can you go wrong? I ain't touchin' your nuts..Sparky
Thanks for the welcome guys. I try and keep it between the lines. OH, sparky....thanks for not touchin
I'll try to ease off your nuts but I don't know if my impact can be dialed down to go slow enough... now, this may sting a little. bbrruup, bbrrruuup, brrruuppp... Welcome to the strange and fantastic world of the HAMB. Congrats on the new baby and knowing that lowliness is next to rodliness. Take that anyway you want. Pee-pee on the hall monitors, indeed!!
He said 'keep it between the lines' Just as long as you keep that train on the rails my friend.... Welcome from someone with an actual 8ball shifter!
I clearly remember how it was with my cokeman back in the day . . . and it was him that was constantly putting the squeeze on MY nads for his money. Or . . . uh, are we talkin' softdrinks here . . . Glad you decided to settle here.