The Jalopy Journal
You will need a V8 type thrust bearing carrier ,,they are a lot shorter,,it will work with your A bearing ,,and fits your forks ,,
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Fired up our mercruiser converted A coupe ,,used a “temporary “radiator ,we ran the regrouned cam in ,runs nice ,,was...
I had some great correspondence with Ed regarding the history of his blue Aussie bodied phaeton (tourer),,looks like he really enjoyed his...
[ATTACH] Got the coupe back from getting the extractors and exhaust system done ,,because the head was a large port model he had to use inch and...
1980,,,Tried adjusting the rear float level on a 650 Holley while the engine was running in my 34 in avatar,,,,,bad idea,,,instant inferno when...
Aussie star model mainline utility,,Victorian registration,,Melbourne tram in background
Almost finished our intake manifold ,it was the easiest way I could think of to do ,,internal corners will be radius formed ,the car is going in...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] When I did mine I had to get a disc made so it didn't interfere with the flywheel bolts ,,it had the late ford spline ,,I still...
If you use the Ford 3 speed you could hook it up to your column shift ,,
So is a stock A wheel further forward or back of the Centerline of the arch,,,isn't it also when you lower it the wheel goes back as it moves on...
Great build there ,,I really like the use of the late 3 speed with the top shift ,,simple ,,,cheap ,,,replicates the earlier Toploader setup but...
Drill and tap the upper body of the cylinder and install a bleeder nipple repair bushe,,,a bit a of liquid metal to set it solid ,,it's a...
[ATTACH] We've got an alloy side plate and valve cover coming to Australia from Michigan ,,the valve cover was priced Ok but the side cover was a...
Moorabool st Geelong Victoria Australia ,,late 50s ?[ATTACH]
NLA Marine in Michigan sell alloy valve covers and alloy side covers ,,there appears to be a lot of variations of the alloy valve cover shape...
I have mounted my pedals in our Model A to the trans mission mounts in the correct position to enable the stock A pedals to be used ,,the chev...
[ATTACH] There is an exhaust manifold in the HAMB classifieds for sale $110 suits 153 ,,there's half your problem solved ,,I'm building my own...
With the studebaker Halibrands ,,the steel wheels couldn't stay together apparently ,,
Well I am so glad to read this thread,,,I had a 65 falcon coupe as my first car,,40 years ago , if I blew the horn while touching the alloy part...
I was hoping that the mercruisr dosent vibrate as much ,,we will see what happens soon,,
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I used a Lakewood steel bell housing with mounts added for the original A side mounts and radius rod...
This is my engine front mount 181 Mercruiser into model A,,copied a hurst type saddle mount ,I made a metal template and had it profile cut from...
Must have had enough of the man a fre tuning issues ,and the grill height had people hating since day one ,, Might have been the stunt double car ,,
After extensive searching I find I need Y5R in an NGK ,,it’s different in the hole configuration than the later head ,,
Thanks 6 ball I’ll check those out at my parts place ,,here’s a pic of my “hole”,it has a thread down a bit ,,will need a longish thread or part...
[ATTACH] Meanwhile in the backstreets of Modesto,,,
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Can anyone advise me on spark plug part number preferably NGK for my Mercruiser head ,,it appears to be a large port from 80s...
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