The Jalopy Journal
Here's an idea. Run one initially, 1st cpl weeks maybe. Now take it off, give the innards a drop of 3 in 1 oil, seal it up and put it away. Fuel...
I've bought and sold on IG. There's a few guys on there that I've mailed cash to for my stuff since we've established a good rapport. I've also...
You got away with it, but that's still not good. Best you hope never again. Some get sensitized immediately, feels like choking on something, and...
Nailed it!:cool:
Better you than me bruh. I hate that shit. If someone said it's what I had to use on their job I'd send em elsewhere. Yes, I hate it that much.
Brief history, the best clear ever made in my professional opinion was DAU82 Delglo from PPG. Alas, it is now gone never to return. Isocyanates...
Tell ya what, I'm fairly happy with my gig having an element of self sustainability. Until it becomes some social revolution that makes selling...
I didn't read every reply but read a lot. If you go 9.99 or quicker the full cage is only the beginning. Window net, gloves, pants, jacket, shoes,...
I was directly behind the Woodstock generation. For the sake of discussion let's say they're 10 years my senior. I graduated in 75. Now I could...
Bracket racing can be a heartbreaker. Do everything "right" yet lose to a .004 pkg. Nobody can stay closer than that every round. You always...
A lot of us did it and still do. I don't any longer and I'd be a liar if I said I don't miss it. This car was a lot fun. I had my clan tartan in...
Never occurred to me, makes all the sense in the world.
If ever there was a job for the latest internet star...:eek: 500 bonus puts for the 1st one to quote her...:)
They have a dead stroke as in "bang-bang puff-puff" which is like flyin said above, farm implement stuff.
Polly wanna HEMI?:) Sometimes I can't help myself :rolleyes:
This is for everyone with an even casual interest in this thought. Warning, a bit of no good dickhead coming for you sensitive types. No legal...
If 2 of em were in a drag race, would it be "Dueling Banjos"? Asking for a friend...:rolleyes:
For anyone interested, on topic, my 3cyl Rotax Type 809 fires all 3 every time. And point of fact H-D V-Twin engines fire both every time and have...
With MIG, cleanliness isn't just next to godliness it really IS godliness. Won't be that hard to clean it up bit. Don't get crazy with a steel...
Just let yer L 60-15s hang out da fender lip a bit and it's good to go...;)
June 1975. This was my ride for graduation day. No pom-poms or shoe polish, as is like straight from the bottle. Looking back it's like it was...
This aesthetic you're embracing chief? I'm going out on a limb here to say that other than fatalities its the reason drag racing was never in...
According to the engineer I knew back then, yes, more than just ethanol for stability in high pressure injection systems. His words, "...more...
Reality check, it doesn't have to be 100% virgin painted area for new adhesive to hold. Get as much off as you can and it'll hold forever. Try a...
The vid shared above to address boiling is essentially a fuel return line. They do work in cars with heavier fuel requirements (hot rods, trucks)...
Had an opportunity to to bs with a fuel system engineer from Ford. In simple terms hydrocarbons have heavy and light ends. The light ends are more...
It's an urban legend that higher octane burns "slower" and I've also heard the wives tale of still burning and killing valves. Nope. Yeah, I said...
Good luck finding an affordable 32-3-4-6 3W cpe. 3½" wheels are $150 each. Some cast off flathead speed stuff is now worth as much as a whole damn...
It won't. We just removed all the stripes off of $200k 35 Packard 12. No worries, no effect on the old lacquer which was done by the restoration...
Separate names with a comma.