The Jalopy Journal
Im glad there fellow hot rodders out there that feel the same way I do. I really didnt go to the swapmeet looking for a alum. nose. In fact I...
The motor was a 265 chevy with a crank mounted blower with hilborn inj. William said he saw the motor a few years back still as it was when his...
I few weeks back I posted a photo of this alum. nose asking if any one recognized it. well fellow hamber Rootie Kazoootie found a name and a...
Im going forward with this tribute car The nose has been 99% comfirmed its the car in the pic. Seems most of the people involved with this car are...
Wow ! where r u located I would like u to do a build for me.
Tribute car it is. just wish I could find a feature story showing the frame,rear end, front axle,etc. thanks for the input. this is going to be a...
pictures I hope
Here is a few more angles showing the lovers better,and where it hooks to the cowl, notice the different size lovers. If there is more than one of...
The t cowl has been seriously changed to except the long nose. The driver sets way back and the cowl covers most of the doors. the belly pans all...
Iv'e looked at alot of indy noses lately and they all seem to have a grill to allow cooling for multi lapps. Im thinking it was pretty easy to...
looks like the same nose,with a different hood. On the 10cx car the little scoop could have been removed,there lovers there now,the hole in the...
Ill take a pic.of the axle and try to get it on tomarrow. So i guess is a 255 cu in chevy is a de stroked 265 chevy ?
Got any idea what a 255 cu. in. chevy would be?
Rootie Now I know what the lion felt like when the mouse pulled the thorn out of his foot.Thanks JOE
WoW thanks for the great imfo. and the leads, The front axle i got with the car appears to be an old indy car axle ass. not the one in the pic. I...
at a swapmeet early before the sun came up, I got mobed trying to get it back to my truck. I think i got more of the car, front axle ass. and a...
Im setting here looking at this picture,and after looking at the front end in my shop for the last month. I cant beleve my eyes. How did you ever...
my email is Im not to good at this ham thing but im good at emails I cant beleave you found that.I cant wait to learn more...
Holly crap thats it.
HELP identify this old race nose,I think it could be off a old drag car,but I have no Idea. its been around and has plenty of battle scars,at...
Sorry about the late reply,But by now you must already know your dad came to calif and raced the car for the first time since 1968, as far as I...
Sorry the 4 door is a chrysler 300 I lost focus.
here are the before pics.I promiced. Dont look like much. The whole story in gasser mag.this next issue. the 4 door is for beer runs.its a dodge too.
sure try to get moore pics soon. The car came out of and was built in the 50s It has 57 ranchero 9 " rear end it had a b&m hydro,I changed...
dragfast you got make it . If you like old school racing at its best. I raced two cars there last year 57 chevy,with a blown 409 and a 40 dodge...
I weigh 190 i can get in, but it takes 2 big men to pull me out And thats with out a suit, The last guy that raced it weighed 135lb
The only question is what to do with the thing now.Take it to a couple of shows then hang it on the piece of history I saved from a sure...
I think my rail is famous now! You will be seeing more.
oh yea how much you weigh man this cocpits small
somepeople are just like that they cant help it ,and they probally wont change. nice 55 chevy im just finishing up .But its not that nice.
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