The Jalopy Journal
Yellow on '57's - orange/red on '55's - black/blue on '56's - solid colors only please as two-tone paint reminds me of my Aunt Gurlenes two-tone,...
is Skip White in Tennessee okay? - no trouble ever with Summit!
Those jalopy-era guys ideas of 'fire protection' was to get out of car as fast as they could and run! Even as late as '64, Joe Weatherly wouldn't...
How about a '58 Ford passenger car grille, ala the Swindler Willys coupe of Stone Woods & Cook. Others have run this grille too, but that is most...
I think it's kinda rare o_O - of the million (give or take) Model A's built, I'm sure only a few thousand were used for soil erosion control! ;)
There was a Hamber that built one of those the other year - I dont know his handle but the car is called 'Black & Blue' and he runs with the South...
Sorry to hear this happening to any one. Sad, l was eventually gonna order one of Patricks highway gear sets for a 51 Chevy pick-up, l've been...
Wasn't there an yellow '29ish roadster pick-up used in the opening credits of 'Happy Days'? I think Ralph Mouth was driving & it may have been...
You guys are more patient than me - If me, l woulda had the rear wheel wells cut out already even just to set the tire in place when you had the...
That six is at least a 292"(+ probably a big stroke) truck block o_Obecause the distributor & motor mount locations are swapped from the 250" and...
fee-bay has been killing a lot of flea market type shows - why leave home when you can push a 'buy it now' button? o_O Most recently discussed,...
Thank you and your folks for what you're doing for Kimmy. Reminds of the story of the man & his handicapped son that he bought the A-100 Dodge van...
I never been around a t-bucket much but here's an idea.... maybe: could a mounting system be made, that the seat (buckets(mounted together) or...
Bobby Isaac went kinda fast on the salt, I believe.....but too new for here
"Injection is nice, but":cool:......not when your shirt/jacket catches on fire with those roman candle injector stacks:rolleyes:
A buddy has a '63 SS 4spd car. Not showy, a nice driver that he parks in his driveway in the middle of 'suburbia', where he lives. A while back he...
Now if some one would come up with a good, easy, no paint scratch way of detachable fenders - I'm in!!!:cool: There's a '31 Chevy 2 door sedan I...
I hate theives & anything related. A guy I grew up with turned out to be one of those shiftless types. You know, always has a scam. I always kept...
Thanks for saving the four doors. Once upon a time Any four door would become a parts car. I used to be strictly Chevy, too. Now the scales have...
I know a local sporty car guy that built a Porsche 914 :rolleyes:(Sorry Ryan) with a mid-engine s.b.c. that's Right against the driver seat. No...
" The Hell with the Joneses - we just became the Joneses!! They dont have a porch like ours!"
Okay - here's how you can get a Vermont title in your name that you can transfer to a Cali title in your name. It is a you-tube vid. I got a Cali...
I kinda think the 'traditional custom' started to pick back up in the '80's. Remember when they would tub and 'Pro-Street' anything on...
In answer to Ryan's statement: Why...why would someone complain or report trying to help some one?! Isn't that what we're supposed to do, help our...
What would a VW powered VW, that run in a H/Gas or a lower gas class back in the '60's be called nowadays? No fender well headers, no 'too narrow...
I don't know if it's 'growing up' or changing with the times. Being a die hard GM fan, mainly Chev, I've started to like any motor that has the...
Your car is sweet!! It reminds me of the story I read about the "Music Box" I dont remember year or model but I know it was a similar year to...
Oh man - it's beautiful!!! Never having owned a '53-4 Chevy, yet, I always wondered if the grille bar could be swapped back and forth, with little...
Okay - hand throttles - the '41 has one (pre-65, l believe) could these have been used for more than to help Ol Bess warm up on a cold morning?...
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