The Jalopy Journal
get yourself a caddy 472/500 and you will NOT be disappointed :D:cool:
does the engine spin? since it was sitting for a while it may have gotten water in it some how. does it crank at all before the wires get hot?
cool tools. Welcome aboard from Los Angeles
you have any better pics of you avatar Mo? thats what I am in the process of doing the same thing. how many teeth did you use? looks like 9?
fuck that shit sucks bro! sorry to hear that it happened there.
very nice congrats
great shot.. cool ride
oh ok i see it now thanks
the CL guys will pick it rolling or in pieces
i have only used rebel wire and it was easy to install and reasonable price. they are alliance vendors and give discounts to members. they are...
lol :):D:D
Maybe i am missing it because i have not yet caught up completely with the H.A.M.B. Overhaul , but is there a way to know which threads you...
whats the temp across the radiator with the gun? try several spots, may have air pockets or just a bad 'new' radiator
call the metal pick up guys on CL. They will haul anything you may have cut up and or complete rolling bodies missing parts. i called and asked...
never heard of such a thing. maybe really faded orange paint? block probably sat out in the sun for years at one point?
the engine should be running for at lease 5-10mins before you check fluid level
it almost sounds like it is not pumping, since it came out the top. loosen the cooler line ports and see if fluid is being pumped out. you said...
yea sounds like a filter issue, seems like its getting clogged or something. double check that before you start ruling anything out
H*ly F*ck this car is sexy! Man that roof came out sick, those lights look great on your ride, and I'll admit im not always a fan of cars with...
keep the pics coming, some of these cars look really good with them in my opinion. I always liked them, and plan on building something with them...
never seen such remarkable metal work. hats off to you
i agree... now lets see some more pics, even if they are not the best examples, maybe some of us will like them anyways. to each his own i just...
now thats something you dont see everyday
pretty cool man congrats. cant wait to see it slammed and shortened
wow surprisingly enough there is a lot more dislike of these lights than i thought. i personally think they look good on some customs but not all....
thats fucking cool!!! it handles better that i thought it would, it kinda makes me wanna try it! :D
^^^^ what he said
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