The Jalopy Journal
Check the backing plates to see if they have grooves worn in them that the shoes are hanging up on. I had a Galaxie once with a similar issue.
I'm the same age as you and am in a similar situation. I've gotten out of the car thing once before, it took me six years to get back in it. I...
The housing floaters will work spring under or over.
You will get ok sound with the speakers pointing down, if you can try to angle the slighty. Yes 4 is louder than 2. If you are looking to get...
Car vs house-
Now that is just plain cool. Awesome work
Get a household screen install roller too for pushing it into grooves and corners
He was one of the few on here that always seemed sincere. I will be praying for his family. God speed
Look at a cobra and tell me that guy wasnt a hot rodder. He was a true legend and will never be forgotten.
Its the same as a 61/62 Galaxie, they are a pain in the ass to find....or i was just looking in the wrong place. I eventually got a NOS one off ebay.
They dont seem to stock much, i think most stuff is fabbed as needed. As far as i know they're still going strong but i havent ordered from them...
Check out well fabricated stuff
Uh....yeah. this may be the most interesting thread ever. I'm not a pontiac guy but the engineering and ingenuity you have used on the engine...
I like your approach. That motor looks solid. Dont go nuts on it yet. Check the cylinders out, i bet a basic overhaul is just the ticket. And like...
It attaches to the backside of the engine crossmember to run from the pass side. The driver side runs right up over the frame to the block. The...
Is it the same as a 60 ford?
If only it were that easy but the best you can get from numbers is really a production date and general info. Welcome to why there is a "whats my...
Might wanna check the head bolts. 351 and 302 are different size bolts
All 427s were cross bolted mains so thats an easy id. I've seen d markings on a lot of fe's. Its a November '66 block. If you look at the casting...
Super duty ford. They used that cab until at least the late 60's.
Congrats. If you're lucky like me with the third child, daughter too, she'll be the easiest of them all.
Reading your post made me chuckle because these are the kinds of details i drive myself nuts over too. Personally I've always liked slots if used...
Might wanna put what part of cali too. Its always a good idea to have someone else check it out. I know that even being the seller i would rather...
Thats a long way from a 17k car. Its not bad but thats a lot of cash for a disassembled project. I'm a cheap ass but it looks like $6k to me tops.
I wondered if that thing was still around. That car produced a pile of awards.
That is pure evil, its perfect. Every other 34 I've ever seen might as well be pink with a big string hanging out the back after seeing that.
Most of us have been there. Take a break. pick one thing to finish and do it, it will all fall into place
Radir chrome slots, one of my favorites. Edit-garyb is right, they are astros. Time to put the beer down
These same pics have been in the sitting and rotting thread for a long time, i dont think it was found recently.
Separate names with a comma.