The Jalopy Journal
My store has Tractors and Junkyard.
Both of you have fantastic cars. Seeing this now I think mines not finished even more, I need to bring it down a bunch.
Patiently waiting.
Keep that mindset, Never let go of trying. These battle tanks are a blast to drive, pure fun.
Well I can't feel my feet or hands & I broke one of my drill bits, but. Autometer black diamond prestige gauges are in & working. Now I have to...
[IMG] Work's this way perfect on mine.
More fun crossing stuff off the list. Tied the core support back together, Mounted the trans cooler too. The ties are bolted for now but will be...
Keep it going!!! Thinking of having to pull the engine again just gave me chills.
Brake problem was crud on the tube seat, Cleaned it and re tightened, Works perfectly. Adjusted the detent and went again last night. Right on the...
Thank you! I may or my not have jumped around like a mad-man. I ran back to the car for the second test drive. (Brake failure one), like I was...
Welcome! Always room for another Cadillac.
I dont think I even did a mile yesterday, maybe 3/4. But it will be towed to the trans shop that rebuilt it, They guy wants to adjust it himself &...
Drove it, got in, started, shift, gas drove it. Lost brakes & it wont lift out of 2nd. But it drove. But its safe in the driveway and my heart is...
Take your time with them and adjust little by little. Mine did the same, Then the opposite, then the same again.
Thank you! Here's a pic of the air cleaner finally on. With the adapter to go from the edelbrock carb size to the smaller 53' cleaner. Still have...
Ladies & Gentelman, I give you Cadillac symphony, No. 365 <IFRAME height=315 src="//" frameBorder=0 width=420...
So the home stretch, all my list is crossed off except for the last buts. checked the car with power too it. Didn't burn up or short so excellent....
Good news, got the radiator to fit & it came out really well. Chopped it in two, sunk the radiator to the opposed face, drilled some holes and...
Cadillac's will do that, CONGRATS! Good luck.
Little more done on it, things have been very busy. Things are not coming out pretty, But its working, That's good enough for me. New gas pedal...
Right by where I live. It's one of the things that when I was a kid sparked my interest.
Haha, thank you. There are packard BTW. I wish I had some more info. But literal I was told, "Australia" No idea where in the country it will be.
My father just had to sell his car here in Michigan, word is its coming over to your neck of the world. If anyone see's it, if you could let me...
JEEZE! $1,700? I could of had 2 & 1/2 engines done! Take it from me, Cadillac is the way to go. I jumped up from a 53' to a 57' engine and even...
Two people, My Dad & my Late buddy Dave. Pops was doing this stuff back in the 50's & 60's all the same, always drove me around in his highly...
Not a problem, Guys did a top notch job. Price is steep but its a nice addition.
I made it a point to give my nephew (1 year old) a early start. All my old toy hot rods & a power wheel "Lightning McQueen" that he will get to...
I'm trying! Time & drive man, Time & drive.
Now I'll state it now, I'ts not pretty but it works. Finished the bracket, Boss welded it up and I had it trimmed down. Mounts to the header...
Blew it on my engine.... Yeah, yeah bad call adding my receipts.
Separate names with a comma.