The Jalopy Journal
Coming up fast. Registration is open now. Don’t miss this fantastic event!![ATTACH]
[ATTACH] Save the date Hoodlums!!
Hey Joey; if you make it down here Sunday please look me up. Would be a pleasure to meet you. I’ll be running around there somewhere. Just ask one...
Ok Guy's and Gal's.....if you are remotely thinking of signing up for this Historic event; I suggest you do it sooner than later!! Entries are...
You are very welcome @banjorear. Glad you stumbled across the thread and hope you enjoyed.
Haven't really thought about it too much. Does sound intriguing though!! And with the info that Nacifan post it seems it could be possible?? Thank...
Thanks for the compliment Dylan. All the pictures that I have are posted here in the tread. But if you do come up with some more of Sammy's please...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Hey Ben good to see that you are making progress. They all take time so keep on plug-in’!! Mine is on the road and have not had...
Hey Joey just wanted to say that I; like so many others have been following along on your many journeys. Appreciate all your time and effort....
Thanks Bruce! Did you make it to LARS this year? Looked of you but didn't see ya? I'm going to send you a PM.
Thanks Stogy, always good to hear from ya!!:)
You are very welcome Kelly.
You are very welcome @Dustin 257. A lot of information and inspiration here. And the wealth of information contributed here is nothing short of...
These were at Hot Rods on the Tarmac. Really a great show and location. And all fantastic period correct cars!![ATTACH]...
This is at the Antique Nationals.[ATTACH] [ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]
@KKrod good to hear from you my friend. How are you doing? Hope all is well with you and yours. Been putting some miles on the Roadster and...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Thanks @HEMI32 for the post. I’ll go ahead and post what I took...
Separate names with a comma.