The Jalopy Journal
What he said!
Awesome photos, thanks for sharing. I managed to make one in Oakland in '64 while in the Air Force, It was a life long dream come true.What with...
Congrats on a well deserved award for a beautifully done car.
If you had seen SWC. Ohio George Montgomery and KS Pitman and others go down the track, you'd know why.
That is bad to the bone!
Great story, glad to hear about a cool trip. I remember in 1964 when I got out of the Air Force, the nightmare of a road trip that followed. From...
My brother-in-law's '53 Merc. more door, but, it was better than my no door!
I'd go with black.
901 and 907 are nice, but, i'd have to go with the '27 track nose, it's beautiful in a plain sort of way.
Beyond awesome photos as usual, thanks.
A guy told me, a guy he knew, heard from another guy........well you know how it goes.
I'd have kept the Ford shoebox.
Just ordered mine, can't wait for it to arrive. Fell in love with these cars in about 1948, it ain't changed since.
At 69 I look forward to going out to my shop and playing with my '27 roadster, it gives me somewhere to go. Hopefully, I'll finish it someday, if...
As long as Americans are willing to buy cheap crap, there will only be cheap crap to buy. This is nothing new, it started after WW2 with a flood...
The only problem with your ride is, it's your ride and not my ride. Super find, enjoy!
One hell of a story about one hell of a car. But I would have to hear it run!
I still have every Hot Rod magazine I've ever owned, including the July 1957 issue I borrowed from my Jr. High School library. As well as many...
Great find and good luck with it.
Nice start, hang in there.
I've had a soft place in my heart ever since my brother bought his three year old '50 Olds Rocket 88. It was the first can I ever drove. Still...
Great pictures, thanks for sharing.
Big Creep, Now those are what I call bombs!
Very sharp, you did well, now have fun.
Super looking ride, I'm green with envy, low lid Mercs have always been my favorites. I hope you reap all the rewards you have coming to you. Now...
Awesome start, two thumbs up!
Awesome ride man.
Count me in for one!
Life's a bitch, then you die! He deserves better, but, there ain't crap he can do about it now.
Separate names with a comma.