The Jalopy Journal
Boones, Great pictures!! Checked out your web site also and again impressive pics. Where were the shop pics from in your first post? I see what...
Scooter, If you are doing a new garage/shop remember the basic rule: Shops are like tits, no such thing as "To Big"! so make it as big as you can...
If you are doing a highboy build then I think the perfect rake is determined by the front section of the Duce frame. The bottom flange of the...
The Mariani ESTR is certainly beautiful and does have many very innovative and interesting details. I understand that they left $.5million at...
You don't if you value your life. I have seen mag wheel blow up that were drilled for screws. The failure started right at one of the screw holes....
Gas Pumper said: "Somebody said we are the fastest carburated car in the world. It must be true, it's on our new T shirts. He read it on the...
This one is mine, a 28/29 on Duce rails, small late model Ford 4 cylinder. Yours looks more line a 30/31. Remember you need to be able to fit in...
If you have bias ply tires they wander allot. 1/8 is about the max I have ever seen. Rex
Most race tires will leak slowly through the side wall. Raced sports cars and Indy cars back in the 70/80s and some of them would be flat within a...
One of the most subtle but neat mods I ever saw on a 40/41 sedan delivery was one that had sedan door, they are several inches longer. One of...
53 Vicky was my first car, 1958, ran the shit out of it and had fun. Flipped spindle supports, de-arched springs, Castillion Red paint. Great...
A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! LARRY. Your old GI buddy, Rex
Small Dodge or Desoto early hemi, triple 97s, T10 tranny, early Haldibrand quickie, pinched frame (no front frame horns) buggy springs, non...
Back in the "day" I had a number of friends that had early Fords, 35 through 48 and most of them at one time or another needed a transmission...
Tom, I didn't make it to Pomona this year but your pictures made me almost feel I was there! Great pics!!! Thanks Rex
Just because it looks SO NEAT it doesn't mean it is good for the street, the straight cut gears will howl!!! Ever ride in a car with a quick...
Straight cut gears, Bitchen! it will wine like a scalded cat, dog ring shifting, so ever shift has to be a power shift. Next you will need to put...
The axles are cast but the material is "nodular cast iron" which is very different than regular cast iron. Standard cast iron has the free...
Love your build! Especially the detail like your brake pedal, great work. I almost built a 27 before I finally decided on a 29 and have drawings...
Mine. Rex
Vern Tardel in Windsor punches louvers. Rex
These are pictures of a 30s midget with a Drake conversion for a twin Harley engine. Richard Denables in Orange has built this one and several...
I use an old fashion drafting lead holder,mechanical drafting pencil, to hold the tungsten and then use my Apex grinder to sharpen. Drafting lead...
Scott, Sorry to see you leave the "nut state" but sure understand your reasoning. Have fun in your new place and new job and keep up with the...
In California that ticket is $170+, and the cops are using these types of tickets to make the state lots of money. I drive my roadster alot and do...
Buddy, I have done some very preliminary layouts when I had my Hildabrand V8 quickee apart but right now I am trying to focus on getting my...
Kevin, Have you ever seen one of the Warren two speed quickees?? Rex
I am sure that if someone sat down with an early quickee and some time you could come up with a two speed conversion that could literally bolt on...
Rich Fox has probably built more "off center" race engines than anyone around, his present early Dodge banger is a great example. He built, to my...
Chris, There are actually a couple of ways that are fairly easy, one is to knock out the rivets that hold the lower spring plate to the lower A...
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