The Jalopy Journal
Just FYI, that hose you have going to the carbs isn't going to work, unless it is solid. That hose will see vacuum, and collapse. But, I still...
No pics at all :(. I know Im gonna look goofy in a "bucket" but I want one so bad! A buddy had a cowl and door I plan to get from him and build...
That's why I was wanting pics. Even pics of 60's cars with a roll bar would give me some inspiration to work around. Although I am afraid, with me...
Ive been bouncing around ideas in my head for the ultimate bucket/speedster/gow job "thing" I want to build... someday. One thing I haven't seen...
Ive traded cars a couple times. If I remeber right we just wrote the tittles up as bought for $100 with a bill of sale saying it was in-op.
4 words. 1Cordless 2sawzall 3and 4ski 5mask 5 words... I would recommend a camaro to pull this stunt off, especially if you have access to one...
I use to work for a guy that had a HUGE car collection. He had a corvette. for every year from the first year with the 6 to a 67. Multiples of...
I have noticed around here that the cops have been out THICK in the past few weeks. Use to see maybe one a day taking my daughter to school (15...
How much were you over by? In WA, if you were on a 2 lane and had to use the oncoming lane to pass you can legally go over the speed limit by...
One thing I do on all my cars when I install a new thermostat is drill a 1/8 hole in it. Keeps it from getting a air bubble behind it and not...
[IMG] Whats going on here? Is this a cut up AD truclk cab with the front re-worked? It looks odd.
I had this issue with my Jeep for quite a while. Kept swapping starters thinking that was the problem. Ended up replacing the who knows how old (I...
I have a HF helmet I used on a daily basis at work for almost 4 years. Always worked great for me. About 2 years in the crappy HF headgear started...
I don't know if this has been said yet, but if you use the wide spacers that have their own set of studs, USE LOCKTITE! Drive it for a few miles,...
If you haven't tried the "Restore" stuff, TRY IT! I have a bad habit of driving worn out cars as DD's and Ive used it with good results in...
I had a cop pull me over for loud exhaust more then once, but the best one, was when the cop asked me "does your exhaust have a hole in it?". I...
I had a (still have) a lime green 70 jeepster in HS. It was nice when I was 16, but by the time I was a senior and going to prom, it wasn't much...
This is horrible, but from all the footage I have seen of desert racing (which I want to do so badly, but they dont around here) it surprises me...
Excited to see this! Ive toyed with the idea, and there is a few threads about these trucks on here. Are you planning on using the fenders? I'm a...
Very cool. My grandpa past away when I was very young and was a hardcore car guy. When people ask about my car addiction, I always explain to them...
Also, get it hot as possible. Almost molten is perfect. If your worried about damaging the block, let it cool naturally. Heat them all every night...
Heat-cool-heat-cool-heat-cool. Over and and over. I do not understand why people think once is enough! Heat and cool it a few times, if thats not...
Thought I would update this. I finially saw a "bobber" in person. I was in kenniwick WA with a buddy and one drove by. I tell you what, these...
I will, I have a huge soft spot for k-based chryslers. Many reasons why, but a 88 shadow was my first "hot rod". It kills me to see these crushed...
Guess you missed the part about running a hood and that it wouldnt be tradtional but still go fast and get good mpg?
I would run hood sides and a dreaded LS1. You will have tons power and get great mileage. I wouldnt be surprised to see it run 12's on a stock...
Is that a late 30's early 40's chev cab?
How hard was it to fit the willys clip? Ive read the thread on the guy using the Dodge cab, and it looks like a nightmare. The more I look at the...
Now I dont know much about these engines, but is there a reason you could'nt vent it at the side cover? Even go as far as a full PVC system and...
Dont tell my wife this. I have been trying to convicer he I can build a hot rod for 3k...
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