The Jalopy Journal
Go Stingrays!!!-in Austin, that's all the help I can offer...
Alot of people want the title, but those are the meanest damn locals hands down!:D
Just wondering if one of the restaurants or stores had staked claim on that yet. I know Cupcake is there now. So the swap meet is Friday when...
Maybe this is a local question, but what's the deal with that parking lot across from Allen's that Gas Monkey always parks their RV/trailers/etc.?...
I'll post a pic of mine as soon as I get someone to take a pic of my hands... That Merc is sweet in person. LSR is going to have some bitchin'...
from a music forum: I'm not sure how long it took this guy to write these, but they...
Awesome car/work! All the lace jobs coming out, I'm going to have to go with endless line panels on my next car to stay ahead of the game!:D
Sounds like the Cali Chapter is planning on making it out along with some of the other Boulevardos.
Thinking about finally going. Pretty sure I'm flying vs. driving from Austin,TX (first time to Vegas in general). So that considered, what kind of...
Sorry to hear this-prayers and condolences...
Mine... [IMG]
Looks good-you should post pics on the LBCC site- I think they'd dig it.
What's the size on the Impala? I'm going to roll some on my '62, but if Astros are played, I'll probably go tru=spoke
Sorry to hear about your loss, Sam.
LOL! Ya'll stay safe...
Hmmm... They just finished a ton 'condos' in South Austin and I kept asking my friends "Who the hell can afford to live in those things? I mean,...
I'm at work off Colorado and 2nd (connected to Children's Museum). I'm missing a 9/16 nut off my header bolt to exhaust pipe. Anyone heading...
Yeah, it's hard to say. The carrier bearing could be the culprit but my exhaust is also tucked right against the bottom of car along the x-frame,...
Noticed this after my engine swap on my '62 Impala. Has a rolling 'whum..whum..whum' vibration that either speeds and disippates after hitting 65....
Check the members section. Gooz's Cont is in this month's Garage feature-his lace is SICK!
Here's a few:
I'll be there- 3 year birthday tradition for me now! This time, I've got a 350/350 combo that'll outrun a diesel if need be:rolleyes:
Looks perfect like that-good proportions.
Can we move this to new section?
Sucks about the car. I was wondering why the shop was so clean the other day! See you around 4:30-5...
Yeah, I feel kind of bad for them, but that's part of the business I guess. This is usually what I see--->:eek:
Well, let me know what you need-I can get you sorted out if you need any action/stunt stuff or crew in general. Did you guys try Austin Film...
I saw this before the rest of the world at the Alamo Drafthouse the night before the premiere. I have to say, Quentin loves his words, and I...
Separate names with a comma.