The Jalopy Journal
Weeelllll: How was the Van Nuys cruise this month??? You cruisers KNOW that the rest of the world lives vicariously through you. So cough up...
All Steel: I tend to save E-mails, but that's too far back since I had a hard-disk crash about 5 years ago that wiped everything prior to that...
All Steel: Heh, yeah. Good ol' Google says I made 4,800+ posts to that group starting back in '97 and petering out...
Gassers Garage: Now THAT was funny, Rick! :) And for those that haven't figured it out, that fire was my Avatar car melting. The...
Groucho: You know, that reminds me - I believe I bought out your interest in the '67 Camaro and when I moved to Las Vegas in the late 80's I...
440: I think you better tell the story, since that part of my meat hard-drive seems to have been overwritten, defragmented, and reformatted. :)
GTO: I'm going to copy my response to your original story so as to archive that particular racing story in this thread....
Axle: Well I'm glad you enjoyed it. This thread seems be having a small revival.
Blowjected: That's probably the shortest - and cutest - story in this thread. A real Marshal Dillon "get out of Dodge to protect Kitty"...
Rick: Heh, there was a time period of a few weeks where I was having problems with spark scatter with my MSD. Where the brown Vette would...
Rick: Yeah, you were a real helpful bud back in the day. Actually, I always felt kind of guilty. Your stuff always ran and ran, my stuff was...
Groucho: Heh, no I didn't remove the shocks. I took the shocks off of the brown Vette once to see if it might make a difference. But since it...
Gary: Yeah, it was the LOOKS of your Nova that got the races. It was the same with my brown Vette, it looked pretty ratty so people just...
Gary: I didn't remember your license plate, in fact I had to confirm your identity with Groucho in E-mail. I do recall your Nova now. It was way...
T-Weed: Man, I thought this thread was de-ceased! It's one of the few I was subscribed to. Riverside Dr., that reminds me. But my meat...
BajaCharlie: I think you're being a little too sensitive. This particular thread is about Van Nuys cruising, not directly about HAMB friendly...
Bash: I'm sure everyone would probably view things differently, but if *I* had to pick a decade that would typify Valley street racing in it's...
Frick & Frack: Heh, that's what Mike Thermos from NOS called me. Crazy Bob. Scat rods are good ones (4330 or 4340 material IIRC). But in...
Frick & Frack: Why thank you. Sometimes they were a "blast" because of the vaporized & incandescent aluminum piston material exiting the...
Groucho: So much for me trying to steer this thread away from street racing, eh. If you can't beat'em, join'em. :) Jim's bike was a turbo...
Robert: I won't know till a couple of hours before it starts. I'm sorry I missed you & Greg at the last one though. I also would have liked to...
Alan: Yeah, come to think of it, it was too small for a Toys-R-Us. You worked there? Jeeze, what a small world.
Groucho: When? This was way back for me, I wasn't even racing yet, probably somewhere in the early to mid 70's on the SW corner behind Toys-R-Us...
Groucho: Ahh yes, I remember the SE Balboa & Devonshire spot now that you mention it. But the other one was at NE corner of Balboa & San...
Bash: Your E-mail today made me look in at the HAMB here for the first time in awhile. I don't think nick names had much to do with...
Grouch: Thanks for the thought, but it doesn't look like it was within a 15 mile radius of where I live, so it's not likely I would have gone....
But, but... Where is the car with the innocent family that is always being put at risk by the dastardly street racers??? Sorry, couldn't...
Robert: You're bringing out the Greg "The Bear" Jacobsen? LOL I won't know if I'd be going until a few hours before the event. About the...
Originally Posted by BottleBob [IMG] Actually, I hope we can meet at the next cruise to continue this discussion in person, and I DO mean just...
Bash: Two points, and I'm about done with this issue. One: I money street raced heavy for 20 years in the San Fernando Valley and surrounding...
Separate names with a comma.