The Jalopy Journal
Brush?? its pissin out there....:) ..i'm sweatin my ars off out here! You need to move brother....:) heres a few..not great pics tho..and there...
TOO COOL...enjoy man! :)
Now that would be a haul and a half for us Canucks..My consolation is the Oldies at Pacific Raceway next w/e. Hey Sam..that Egay thing might be...
Tru dat 60's! and Dr J It's getting to the point where it's hard to tell if someones done all their gonna do!...until the next trend anyhow!! :)...
Its not that this was was more of a "moment"....the old guy in the ford was SOOOO freeked out drivin across this bridge he wouldnt even...
Helll its an old, cool ,wagoon ...nuff said !! go get it :)
I was just thinkin the same thing....i'm almost... ok.... with the wheels too! HEY Lowsquire;what would it take to get one of those front...
hmmmmmmm ...peel the handles...hammer it...maybe a silver/gray on the insert.. heres a shot of one of my old ones(circa84?)(had a bunch over the...
ZAP POW BAM..... HOLY INSPIRIATION BATMAN!! a month ago in a moment of desperation(needed a ride home) i bought this homely little...
I've got 3 that i've been trying to get rid of for years.....wish i'd thought of that !! You guys are funny! :)
Ponch my pal...sorry bout the car but THANX for bringin her to our BBQ anyhoo. It was nice to see her rollin...i'll give ya a hand with the...
FatHack,you Lord of Disco you !! :) I can not tell you how nice it was after a long holiday from the computer world (much distain for the PC),...
keep us informed with pics ifn ya plz :)
Hey Zman..are ya plannin to plant that thing on the ground?... if so...inquirying minds wanna know how ya do it !! :) I've got the same thing...
ahhhhhhhhh ,a man of the same depravity...nice
after a couple of years i was just gettin settled with the ol board....LOL.....i'm old and hate change,...and computers..... why cant i get the...
Speakin of assembly...or lack there off! [img] In the original cookie tin box...unopened. [img]
Hey Fry...when you hit BC...i'fn your anywhere near Langley ya might wanna hit the Java Hut on a Friday night! 3-400 cars if the weather is good...
Man you guys are gettin the [img] Welcome from the warm side....although they are talkin ...minus 5 this weekend [img] [img]...
shot from back.......oh BTW kustom 55 ...that boat rocks!! [img]
Hers one i bought to tow behind the 59 chev wagoon...its a 1960 Sangster [img]
Us Canuks have a few good things goin on....thats one of em!! [img]
you mean uglier!! [img]
pofbvgervpoinv;a;lkweLQ;LKF09832KF.jkf !!! capn morgan spiced and eggnogg.....translation: happy happy joy joy from the warmcoast! [img]
You guy's all ROCK but...............CHAZ !!!! I'm almost.. 50... and I want to ride that thing [img] Good Lord thats amazin!!!!!
Heres wishing all of you a safe and happy holiday season. ps;gotta love the WWW bias snowy's [img]
Nice stuff Jethro...stay in touch with Barret J. and teach him how to finish one of his !! [img]
Ya might wanna take a sec and read thru this [img]
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