The Jalopy Journal
Google 1933 Pierce Silver Arrow. I believe you'll find your car.
It's a mighty long road that doesn't have a bend in it somewhere, Ryan. Just keep the hammer down and drift, and like some of the rest of us,...
On a steep hill in PA mountains about Jan 1956 I totaled a 1939 LaSalle rumble seat convertible. Was crowded by another car taking a race for the...
A '31 Essex coupe and '37 John Deere model A
Howdy from Clearwater ks---------
Seems to be the other way around in this neck of the woods. She's always buying rags or some damn thing, says nothing.
I always have several projects going at the same time -- get tired of one go to another. Get tired of them all go BUY another. Eventually I get...
Use it to fix cork floats in gas tanks and carbs. Gotta watch what you get though.
I think it's a dingleberry picker..........
When I'm ready to die I want to go over Niagra Falls in my '31 Essex.
I own several tourings. The oldest is a 1914 Overland, the newest is a 1922 Moon 640. I wouldn't want to be going 70mph in any of them unless I...
Nervous as a cat shittin' razor blades. Yea, Grandpa..........
If yer asshole was as big as yer mouth yer guts 'ud fall out. Grandpa again.........
If bullshit was music you'd be a whole brass band. If you were standing in shit to your chin and someone threw a rock at your head I suppose you'd...
But then, just thinking about it, I've given a lot of stuff away.....
I've been around a while and over the years have gotten a number of things "free". First thing I can remember was a '31 Essex rumble seat coupe...
The only thing wrong is that all those chicks got old and wrinkly. Kinda like I did........
MEK works. Just like taking gravy off your necktie.
It's a '28 Essex.
Capitalism works because it fits human nature
There's a '33 coupe going into the ground not far from me. I guess he's "fixing" it. Disgusting.
The way I drive, it's my wife that does the sputtering when I shut 'er down......
I've owned my '29 Stearman for over 35 years. Too damn old to fly it any more, too many health quirks. (sigh) but I'm gonna keep it to look at...
An old chase behind a nice pacer named Angel. First car I drove was a '32 Essex coupe with a rumble seat.
Being church mouse poor when I was in school, I had no way to haul anything, so when I was given a '28 Whippett (late 50's) I "invented" a hitch...
Is there anything else?
Grandpa (been gone for over 50 years) taught me a poem when I was about 16. I never forgot it. I get a new slant on it every decade that passes!...
Just a wolf in sheeps clothing, same as any street rod. Only his isn't entirely junk yard sweepin's. More bucks to blow at it, I guess......
Bein' sort of a Hudson nut, I own 7 Essex cars and one Hudson, a '34 Hudson convertible, (among a lot of other cars), and I'm here to tell ya, yer...
I just thump 'em out with a BFH and a proper drift. Fergit the heat, just THUMP 'em !!! (you'll be glad ya did!) he, he....
Separate names with a comma.