The Jalopy Journal
Can't say for sure , I'm just 71 and still trying . Maybe come spring ???
I have a set you might be interested in . You can get back with me . I got them for a 460 in a 78 T-Bird . send pertinent Info...
Going to miss wild Bill , what an artist in lead . nobody better . Started very young at Chrysler , Back in the 40's . I'm 70 and remember him...
You've really got to be kidding??? If it can take my 460 it'll take anything that 454 will put out .
Getting hot and kicking the breaker .
Ya, sounds like a bad ground to me too.
I thought I was the only one that had a shop like that . I like working outside but I don't like sunburned bald head .
All I can say is , Great job ! Very Very nice . You should be very proud . Thank you for shearing your great work with us . Can't wait to see it...
I would not trade my 460 for any 2 small block or big block chevy's . especially in a Ford !!
I did that to my Intake . Port-O-sonic . Man it looks great . Kinda grayish chrome but way cool .
7/16 nut mostley .
You've given this a lot of thought , I love it . That's great work .
I always tell my wife, If you'd bought me for what I knew and sold me for what I thought I knew you'd be a rich woman .
Gonna be perfect !
What seems simple to you may seem like rocket science to someone with a learning dissablity or is a natruial born bad speller . I'v probably...
Stop whinning and get started a little at a time . You'd be suppised what a couple years can do.
A Nube you may be . But I love the look
What a great job on a great car .
Forgive me lord for I sin . I'm a Ford loving Highwinder / Lowrider. I find something to love on every page of this thread .
Is there any way to give me a look at the motor mounts please ?? I love this car . And more of the headers ?? Please . I'm having hell with mine ....
Never thought it could be done . What vision . what vision . Very cool ride . Congratulations man .
Everytime I see one of these it makes my heart race. I'm almost 70 and I hope I can finesh the T-Bird I'm working on so I can sell it and find me...
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