The Jalopy Journal
Summit Racing..
Issue with Summit Racing ( No more Monthly Catalog) ???Just called in a order ,discussed a earlier topic frustrating many ( that we will no...
Check with your state what all will be involved on titled & registering it... Ask me how I know here in Minnesota Was a nightmare Gene in Mn
Street Rodding is alive and going strong Numbers for the show - 10,453 Cars registered 185 Vendors Gene in Mn MSRA
I,ve learned through the years that shrouds on a radiater to prevent heating is almost a must I,m confused... Gene
Not that I have a lots of money but I have never considered buying ,working on all old cars , ,a investment etc. I,m 80 ,reliving great times in...
Sign of the times Per Speedway Motors No more parts catalogs mailed to our homes From now on all ordering ( done on line).... The days old...
Yup Jim that,s the way I read it too..
Been mentioned before... have a fairly clean shop, nothing that can be used for mice bedding. food crumbs etc laying around. Pulled the rear...
I,m sure my age has something to do with it .Here in minnesota we have had one of the longest Winrers in Histoty. We still have snow on the grounf...
Thanks much will be ordering one Don,t like returning the wrong thing as I ,ve done so many times in the past... Gene in Mn
Ya the 350 T/H Transmission Has been gone for a long time but many still use them in their old cars. the slip yokes were used for many years with...
Another accident so close to him being burned Is a great low key guy
Corrosion Your point use two wrenches when tightening cable on post U get a check mark and a A for the day on that post gene
Battery corrosion Yup I think most of you touched on the issue Our batteries are leaking around the posts due to vibration,breaking the seal when...
Thanks Jim Ya kind of what I thought, the battery case or at the terminals there is a leak' In 3 weeks the top of the battery ,the battery box...
Normally most of us have corrosion which develops around our batteries terminals ,battery box etc but my is severe and develops very fast, after...
We have a celebrity in our midst Congratulations Jim.... gene
Don,t tell my Wife ,After 57 yrs of marriage to one another she figures because of our age the buying or building cars from ground up is finally...
Best muffler with good constructed exhaust system///No best answer .It,s a turkey shoot each has their own opinion on what sounds right & the...
This a good question What muffler is the best. Each person has their own idea on what sounds best ,how load they should be , how throaty/ mellow...
What you live in Oklahoma??? No your kidding right ?
I don,t believe this is a issue but will ask anyway Don't like doing anything twice. Sometimes one is not suppose to run certain wires touching or...
I,m still dealing with my exhaust system that I did . Am very unhappy with the drone & how loud it is Very uncomfortable driving it for any...
Winter is about to arrive here in Mn. Moving everything out of my shop to clean the floor and rearrange the old cars & stuff. Before I shove...
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