The Jalopy Journal
Good goin' When you get it sorted, enjoy the uniqueness.
Congrats on surviving near five decades on 'Sesame Street'. Time now to figure out how to live:) My absentee father always said don't do it. So I...
WHOA!!! :D
@2deuces64 For a better response, picture something of scale. Ruler,, Length,, Height?
Older car, Mileage H-M-M-M;) I said, I said hmmm
Very nice ride. Well done. Sweet little coupe. All my life, admired them. I have YouTube probs, so not knowing all, Please forgive my brashness...
Ah Ya can. Provided there is time enough. And stupid is not happy-stupid.
DDouble Take;)
Thank You. The simplicity of organization seems owing to a lack of spectators. All seem to be doing their part. GOOD stuff:)
Thank You SNS FAB. Nice selection of the right kind of rollers.
Right, when one side pulls I say "That works". Let's set what going on with the other.
The Strip Star is asymmetry at its best. Never found any of his work that missed the bullseye;) Thanks for that one Ryan
Thanks @trulyvintage
:)Can anyone tell me why my semi educated brain tells me that, the more un-anchored weight there is,, the more vibration-reaction will be...
Some closer detail might help True That @TCTND
Very well said
^^^^^ True Dat
Where's @anthony myrick when ya need him?:) Truth. Nearly fell outta my tow truck heading South on 63rd st. one day. The version I had...
There it is, while at different times, I have used both but never thought of a combo. O-T-O-H Management of the operation need have either...
He did it his way. RIP
Old guy, I once knew, drove with bungee cords. One roadway the bumps would shake hard enough that the wind would catch them. He'd slow down,...
Thanks Great ride for a H.S. car. Glad we all survived those times Thanks Gene
My absentee father owned a Mustang, 271 horse. Never let me drive.o_O Drat, wanted to say Thank you @F-ONE for the facts. Good learning these...
1964 the year I was handed a license to drive. The local, the county, and the state, police, all wanted to know what my problem was. :rolleyes:
Just me ( not an Expert ) not at happy with the relation between the steering box and the steering arm. :confused: I would go as far as changing...
Kudos for tuning timing by ear. ;) Never was a racer but always have been happy to set the timing by what works right. Yes I do have a timing...
I spy nineteen:confused:
I see bump steer;) Cool pickup with a big motor.:D
Only @40ragtopdown can do it like this. Yeah there's many others, But seeing eight drag cars in a row with 'real' whitewalls. :D:D
Separate names with a comma.