The Jalopy Journal
You think maybe the riveter didn't know his spacing tool could expand? :D
When he tells you it's a disease, he means it! :D
Move into the new house/garage/shop and start filling it up with projects that will take me another 20-30 years to actually finish! :eek::D
Oh, just start at Page 1 and relive the whole thing! :p
@Dave G in Gansevoort , we're going to have to drag you there some day soon, while you still have a few grey hairs remaining...
Those knots in your back won't stand a chance!
Yep! Fire Museum of Maryland, great place to spend an afternoon with your family (or alone, if you want time to look at everything ;)!). They do a...
Nice sleuthing! Time for a driving video for us to ooh and ahh over!
Looks great, sounds great! :)
You're right that it is just sitting around... Still needs some additional assembly, too. I have no idea where my rod bolt stretch gauge is...
Well sure, if you have a life outside of sanding and aren't getting paid for it, and/or don't care how your finish looks under a microscope, you...
I think block sanding ends around 3000 grit or so, unless you're trying for that Lost in Space depth...
Aluminum foil! It's much lighter and doesn't get your fingers all messy while you're working with it. :D
This thing continues to be freaking awesome!
You know, as much as it's a pain to deal with (and then be humble enough to share it with all of us!), it's nice to know that these kind of things...
And here I was reading JIC as "Just In Case"... thanks for straightening me out @RodStRace!
The results are in! All three carbs are 1-3/32" venturis.
Aha! Thanks for the visual. Back down to the basement parts depot I go...
If what I saw down below the choke plate is what Tim is talking about, I can just make out "16598" on one of the tubes in each of the 3 carbs. My...
I've got a trio of Rochesters sitting in a box in the basement, waiting for rebuilds... What version(s) are you looking for, and how would I tell?...
Did a little more searching and found the below from a 2006 thread. Added the bold bits to get your attention. :D
Will the molasses bath trick work on that case?
Nothing like using well-made tools to further a project!
Now there's an idea @Dave G in Gansevoort ... fix up your OT Mini to be a push car with a simple ;)swap of somethin' or other. What if we...
Nice progress on the garage clean-up! You can finally get to all the things!
Is it mostly justly idling in the pits, or are you doing WOT passes down the strip? :D
Great work as always Marty, and thanks for documenting it all for us. If a name hasn't been decided on yet, I'd vote for Second Banana... BTW,...
You'd likely be the only one with a twin-engined... something at the local cars-n-coffee!
I've got some ideas! Let's see... Crackerbox boat [IMG] Or a really quick pit bike... Perhaps a V8 lawn mower.... [IMG] I'm sure we can come up...
What does one feed the HAMB brain trust with? 30-weight and tire tread? I'm continually impressed by the quantity (and quality, and variety!) of...
Separate names with a comma.