The Jalopy Journal
i was at the pinstripers booth with aleycia and yeh im her current man her x was there in the booth to lol i was the one set up on the end by the...
well getting ready to head out the door for the show cant wait doors open at 9 and it is only 15 bucks for a weekend pass this show is going to be...
well just got done setting up and walking around the show and have to admit it is going to be a good show this year tons of kick ass cars and...
thats to bad to hear jack but i understand it is slowley dying that is for sure and do you know that they shut off the water fountains all but 2,...
no it is every other year last time it snowed like 8" and the week after starbirds is the grand national roadster show in pomona i drove all the...
very cool mick bring lots of flyers cause everybody knows you put on the coolist shows that way i dont double book like i did last year and miss...
will do jack, it must be time for starbirds it is suppost to snow this week
very cool poverty flats havent got to talk you since the hambbq a couple years back
bump for the friday crew nobody else is goin i know the show aint the best but they are doing up some changes this year allowing unjudged cars...
cool be sure and drop bye
Didnt see a thread yet but who all is going to starbirds this year? I will be there as always pinstriping all weekend didnt get the truck done...
very cool cant wait to see this progress i love 5 window coupes
to cool doc you have out done yourself i can miss the round up now i love norm he is a blast last year at starbirds we keeped throwin papers balls...
havent painted in almost a year but here is one i did to knock the dust of my brushes long way to go to get back to where i was but it is a start...
i drive this every day and everywhere [IMG]
thanks guys an yea i liked the truck but i always wanted a 5 window an when this truck came up for sale i only gave a hundred bucks for it so i...
the truck had doors too they were just off the truck and thanks all iam happy with the way the trade went that is for sure
not for sure what its off of it is a type of indian head dress thing though it looks like any way
i love to trade i traded the truck for this sweet little 47 everybody in the deal is happy and i am stoked going to build it for the wife what you...
well it looks like im not going to make it blew the head gasket in the truck and dont have time to fix it till sat man this sucks i wanted to make...
wow great tech i can wait to make these
tahnks for posting this up i will be sure to send out some emails tonight
i drive my 60 f100 every day but today the radiator is in the shop
cool but i have to say i always like that t dennis i used to go down to ronnie and al's shop to check up on its progress
we just picked one up for the boy about a week ago its a little 5 hp
i kinda like that movie but then again i like yodelling :)
holy crap that unreal
ive been watching this thread for a while and am so stoke it is out and running man congrats
i dont think it is worth that
i dig the coe looks like a nice show
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