The Jalopy Journal
The exact reason I gave up with duel carbs and aluminum finned heads, the really look great but they don't work on a stock engine. I'm back to...
I painted flames on my '50 Shoebox Ford in 1962 with a couple of red and yellow rattle cans over white primer, probably looked like shit but I...
U Tube has several posts showing some really great restorations on these and other similar toy cars. Lots of work and lots of very expensive...
Great Lookin car, just watch that rust patina, it can get out of hand fast. I found out how fast on my '48 Ford, it took a lot of work to get it...
Just bought one off eBay for $19.99 delivered. Want one for my '51. Thanks for the info.
Sorry, above should have read are the '49 wheels 16", mine were, then they went to 15" in '50.
Are the '49 wheels 16"
Very nice! My '51 is also a copy of what I had in 1963 High School (except better). I'm no good at working on my car and trying to get anything...
I gotta go and find a copy now! Thats a real honor and well deserved, your Ford looks great and I would love to see it in person, but we are on...
I love seeing the vintage stuff being used instead of hanging on some rich dudes museum wall.
Wild ghost flames and a ton of striping with a cartoon airbrushed on the trunk!!! NO wait that's what I did, maybe just a little stiping and a...
I have chrome rims with lancer caps. I don't like the way it makes it look like the hubcaps go all the way to the whitewall. I would prefer to...
I just checked eBay and a package deal of 15 back issues from the late 50's just sold for $5.99. Check there every once in awhile and you can grab...
I love it...would have givin' my right nut to have it back in '60. You want to see some "Goofy Shit" take a good look at what happened in the 80's...
I remember my grandparents use to subscribe to Ford Times and I always looked through each issue to find the Custom Conversions section. I still...
Now I know for sure why I will be moving to south central Florida next year. Any type of heat with an open flame in a garage scares the hell out...
Wow, and I thought I was the only one who thought this way. I agree with you both. I feel maybe the striping was OK for the time and some examples...
Got it above and already ordered the First Edition. Looks Good!
Where do I get a copy? Bookstores?
There is one around someplace that was made into a full custom, I have seen it in a mag within the past couple years, really turned out nice. My...
Check this build out... you will get some good ideas here for sure.
Years ago I bought a very clean '51 Plymouth 2 door coupe from a little ol lady (true). When I put it up on the hoist to check around underneath,...
That second photo shows it best I think. Never seen one like it, really fits right to me.
something happened??? should finish above with I could replace one in 5 minutes.
Nice chop, wanta do another and while your at it bag it also? As for the rear, can't help much there except many yaears ago I use to replace the...
GREAT PHOTO'S....I was stuck set up in the Flea/Parts Meet outside and did not get a chance to walk around at all!!! But it was another GREAT show...
Sorry Mike that should have been JalopyRama Mike ! We will be leaving WV at 3 am to get there by 6. Hope there is room in the flea market since it...
Will be setting up in the Parts/Flea Market this year. This in my opinion is the best show going on the East Coast. Jalopymike and the Rusty Nuts...
Looks like a good shoebox thread to watch. I have been off line for a few months, but now back and ready to read and give my 2cents worth now and...
I have trouble just keeping light road dust off my shoebox ! But I was impressed !
Separate names with a comma.