The Jalopy Journal
you can stop lookin. in my 20s, only owned one non carburated vehicle ever. i can drive most things that move. growing up on a farm and being in...
are t-buckets any less safe than a motorcycle? no way jose. stupid government.
i like the 3 window more than the 5 window as well. the 5 window looks too busy in my opinion.
awesome work orula! watching your progress is like looking into the future of my '53 haha. have you completed any other projects or is this your...
[IMG] The coupe gets my vote as well. I would have a blistered head 100% of the year if I had a roadster....
I am 28 years old and drive a '53 chevy every day to work in a pretty similar condition as your '53 ford there. One of the things I like the most...
voted again, git-r-done!
voted with all three of my email accounts. go go gadget technology!
member here on the HAMB, church.
BAM! I drive mine every day. I got more thumbs up hittin up the gas station on the way to work today than trailer queen will get at the show.
i commute around I35 south in norman, ok. ill keep the eyes peeled. every time i hear of one of our rides disappearing i wanna puke...
gimmie some money and ill paint my truck i like paint but cant afford :(
haulin ass by the truckload! sweet video!
hehe somethin tells me you and ice are going to have a scheduling conflict
nice job on the chop man! i have a 250 out of a 66 chev in my 53 daily driver and am lovin it. still got the stock 3 speed and 4.11 rear but i...
i had a pretty rusty tank, clogged my first filter all the time and created intermittent loss of fuel. fixed it by taking out the tank and shaking...
sweet, those parking light inserts clean that pesky orange up a lot! whatcha gona put on the seat?
happy birthday marines!
old chevy manuals online
how is he an asshole? smoke coming from wiring more than likely means melting insulation. it is possible in that case that a hot wire has melted...
hot rodding a hot rod website using money from a hot rod! me likey!
should say something like DOT 2708 which would be the 27th week of 2008 i sell tires, tread poppin off happens all the time. usually on older...
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