The Jalopy Journal
Not sure if this would help.... [ATTACH]
I haven't gotten mine yet. Canada Post is really slow right now. Not sure why (labour shortage due to Covid maybe). I ordered something on...
Thanks for the replies. I'll look into either grinding the caliper or going with the AN fittings.
I've got some metric calipers mounted on my chassis engineering axle. I don't understand how the rubber brake line can connect to that caliper...
I picked up 2 - 6 volt optima batteries and mounts for them. I was planning on laying them on their side under the seat in the cab. I haven't...
Great story and car. Enjoy! Chances like this don't come along often.
Damn that's nice. Like the wheel choice.
Nice color choice. It's different and really looks good. Hope you get lots of miles of fun out of it.
I'd drive that. Nice job. The paint looks great if it'll stay like that. Hopefully dirt and a few washes won't ruin it.
I might swing by and have a look in the parking lot.
Well looks like that is a misprint. On the inside, in the table of contents its Robert Williams which makes much more sense.
Found this in my local book store. Haven't seen it before. Should be a good read. [IMG] [IMG]
Yes chargin03, thats the one! For anyone else that is interested this is the link to the manufacturers page at American...
A long time ago in some hot rod magazine I saw a yellow colored device that you put across the terminals of your battery kill switch. The nice...
I like those carb scoops. Keeps the rain out too if you run hoodless.
If its a solid colour, probably yes. If its a metallic then that is a lot more difficult. You might have to do the whole fender again. However...
Cool pic. Cheapest 32 you'll ever buy! :)
Even if it was on in Canada we'd have to pay 40% more to watch it :)
Thanks for the pics and ideas canuck. That looks like a good system.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I should go have a look at my local Pick n pull and see what they have for ideas.
Yes I have the cable that runs under the cab and just stops. I bought the truck this way. The cables out of the rear drums are tied to the frame...
My 40 pickup still has the original park brake handle/lever under the dash and I'd like to use it still. I've got an 8 inch Ford rear with the...
All comes down to supply and demand. If you've always wanted one, have a quick look at it, but buy it because it might be gone tomorrow. Solid...
Welcome to the best forum on the net.
Another option for you is Lazze out in California. I personally haven't taken his class but know someone who did and they said it was excellent....
I just ordered one. Coming to Canada!
Maybe you could build up the grooved area with epoxy, then use a hacksaw blade or something similar to re-create the grooves.
Like Ed Roth said once....You ain't done shit til you've made something out of nothing. She accomplished quite a feat making that movie. I...
I got mine! Never thought I'd ever get that chance. The Rodders Journal is a quality product and I'm happy to support it. Plus get a great deal...
All drum master cylinders have a 10 pound valve built into them?
Separate names with a comma.