The Jalopy Journal
Have just over 1k miles on mine.
After searching on line, It looks like everyone is using disc brakes, NOT I’m setting up ‘48 Lincoln bending brakes on a banger coupe. What kind...
You’re missing the third bolt for that bracket. See pic. Ken
[ATTACH] Can add my ‘30 Coupe to the mix. On the road after two year build, working out the bugs.
You might checkout, You can custom design the gauge faces, made right here in the USA. I’ve been using their gauges on customer...
I’ve always wired in a direct power switch, to be used if your sensor or relay fails. Fuse it at 30 amps.
Repop, looked at most of the current suppliers. Don’t need to be originals.
Does anyone repopulated the Cragar “knockoff spinner” hubcaps that will fit 16” KH wires? Thanks
To oil the cam and dizzy gear, you need to mill a small groove into the lower housing it is currently sealed. Only need something like 1/8” wide...
I have Red’s headers on both of my ModelA’s. They will not work with updraft carb setups only downdrafts. The manifold attaches in the same...
Changing from a Ford 12v generator, to a one-wire Ford alternator (Taurus). How do I make the wiring connections? Is the factory regulator used...
Have installed a Ford one-wire alternator in my 62 Falcon, originally a generator. There are three wires in the original harness, a heavy...
‘30 Ford coupe I’ve installed a reverse eye rear spring with several leaves removed to lower the back end. The frame is stock (not Z’d)(yet)....
All, I have four Mallory dizzy’s, with different advance curves, all set on my Sun machine. All your tips are correct, and have been tried. I was...
ON my street engine, 7:1, 330 cam, Lion Head, header, single 97, Mallory dizzy. Setting a driveable ignition timing is frustrating. The curve...
Follow-up: I purchased the 3 3/4” drop arms from Speedway, allowed another 1 1/2” of clearance while utilizing actual tie rod ends. Then it was...
There are steering arms available with 3 3/4” drop. Might be too much drop. BTW, I’m using the stock A wishbone, uncut. Yes, travel would be...
Building a 30 coupe with reverse eye front spring, 4” drop axle, 37 spindles. Currently have a 1 3/4” drop steering arms. Tie rod has spherical...
Thanks all for the responses. I did look through previous threads. I am missing the drive gears for the blower, although I can fab up new...
Have a fresh banger short block, and a Graham supercharger. Has anybody adapted the Graham to the banger? Need some parts for the supercharger as...
Planning to build a banger for my 30 Coupe. Need a low pressure fuel pump for Stromberg carbs. Currently have a K&N 1-4psi pump, but tired of...
V4F, Are you running pressure to the rod bearings, via drilled crank. Hard to tell from the pic.
Guys, Thanks for the feedback. The factory “sender” mechanism is not there. It was cut off by PO, and a plate welded/soldered on top. Only have a...
Working on a ‘34 Ford Pickup. The stock gas gauge is the hydrostatic gauge/sender. Doesn’t work. So, do I attempt to find an NOS sender and...
While recurving my Motorcraft dizzy, the retainer clip for the advance plate took flight. This is about 1/4” diameter with two vertical legs....
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