That's funny Don,but at your age I'm sure you have gotten forgetful,,wasn't it 10 years ago you retired? HRP
So in ten more years, do you get a retirement pension?? 20 yrs is traditional isn't it? Congratulations.
Denise, send this man some cookies!!! Congrats. I enjoy your posts and loved the wagon build. Hope to meet you in person some day. .
Believe it or not Denise was the very first person to welcome me to the Hamb when I post my introduction,,,Cookies would be nice! HRP
Congrats on the big 10 yrs......By the time I get there I'll need to start a thread titled "Lets see those V8 powered wheel chairs"
isn't the traditional 10 year aniversary gift tin? why don't you go out and get yourself some nice tin? you deserve it
Got here just before you did Danny. I didn't even realize it had been 10 years so thanks for reminding me. You're one of the Hambers I hope to meet in person one day. Frank
Curmugeon.. a word that resembles me quite well. In fact, after being on the hamb for 12 years and not posting very much I move that management replace 'grenade inspector' from under my name and replace it with curmugeon imediately. As they say.. if the shoe fits wear it. Cheers, I've enjoyed reading your posts over the years.
Congrats, man! You must be pretty tough to hang out here for 10 years. Sheeet, you just gave me an idea for a new HAMB knob with a big ol' "10" on it. How many posts do you have to have before you get Curmudgeon status? What's an HRP?
Hi HRP.Congrats.on 10 yrs of putting up with this crazy collection of SUPER folks. ( well,MAYBE a couple of ole grouches too).May you have 10 more years of fun and games here. Good luck.Have fun.Be safe. Leo
You know that the shifter knob might be a good seller,,you could do a 5,10 and beyond. What's HRP?,,,,Me
Damn you you really make me feel old. I predate you a bit. I'm sure it has been as much fun for you as it has been for me. I was alone in a sea of billet when I found this place and friends that enjoy our heritage. I hope that we will meet up before I kick the bucket.
The only project is my running '32 Sedan,,I have a lot of things that I want/need to do. HRP Yes Tommy,I sincerely need to get up that way in the next few years. HRP