My 145 Firestone front runners are going to need replacing soon. Just wondering if anyone has had good results using other brands? Some people have said Nankang are good?
Nankangs are good but not being shipped to US anymore from what I understand, If ya find some let me know Thanx
145 x ? x ?? Might help as we don't know if you have a lowrider running 13 inch wires or are running 16 inch steelies. I did find a 145 65 15 electric car oriented tire that has a pretty simple fair weather tread but the sidewall writing is a bit busy.
I buy 145R15 XZX Michelans from Speedway or Coker. I've run them on lots of cars (mostly deuces) with no failures so far. My favorite Hot Rod front tire.
I found those and they are good looking tires but out of some guys wheelhouse price wise. Or they think they are spendy forgetting that they probably are good for twice or three times the miles even just as front runners.
I have Pirelli but I don't know if that size is available anymore. Michelins are a great tire and worth the money. Pat
Vredestein Sprint Classics are supposed to be really good, I decided they were too expensive in 215 amd went for Vitour, but they’re more affordable in 145.
At one time they were kind of the standard front tire for hiboys, many years ago a friend of mine wanted to do a tire/wheel change on his 3W, he liked my Michelens but they were not available (don't recall why), I ended up ordering the Firestone 560's, I thought they looked a little under engineered compared to the Michelen tires. I can't say how good mine are as my roadster has yet to be finished but they are a good looking tire.