When I was younger, we read Of Mice and Men in high school. Didn’t appreciate it at the time. Twenty years later I got nostalgic and read it again. Got hooked, and went on a journey hunting second-hand book stores until I had read all Steinbeck wrote. Your camping car, and its intent, reminds me of his writing. Cars being used for a purpose, and repaired roadside by their owners. Congratulations on an elegant and well-executed project. cheers, Harv
My first car was a 27 T coupe then I bought a 26 Touring car I used it to throw my 2 Dallas Morning News Route one was on Hollywood between 10th and Clarendon and the other one was Edgefield between Jefferson and Claredon this was in the mid 50’s. Enjoyed your build it brought back memories for me. I later drove it to Arlington State College for a year before I bought a 55 Chevy. Thanks for the trip down memory's. I had to go to Gillers Auto Parts in downtown Dallas to get parts in the old wooden trolley cars. Thanks again Frank
We really thought we'd shred a tire or pinch a tube between the heavy load of camping gear and the bad conditions of most of the trails. But the tires and tubes held up. Even though we drove a few hundred miles on the shoulders of some roads we never got a puncture. And the only damage to the tires were to the rear tires that occasionally rubbed on the fender supports. FWIW, I packed a patch kit, five spare tubes and had two spare wheels with tires and tubes on them. Never touched any of them.
Cool adventure!!!! The nice thing about spare parts is if you have them you will never need them If you don't then it is almost certain you will need them. Mike
So awesome, thanks for the updates! I’m curious what did the clutch in but I’m sure you’ll report when you find out.
Changing out connecting rods on the side of the road?! And you brought spares of those along as well? That's the wildest part to me. But very well done. Love the car, love the story of it's creation and the story it's creating.