UPDATE.......I have lowered the price on my "package deal" 1926-1928 Chev parts and chassis speedster stuff from $2800 down to $1800.....needs to be gone before the snow flies !!
Road trip today… 4 more wires, cheap. One is missing two spokes, I imagine that one is toast. He said they were 18” but I haven’t measured them yet. They look like 19” to me. Did Chevy use 18” wires at some point?
I checked the wheels today, they are exactly the same as the three good ones I already had, even had remains of the same apple green paint. The measure about 20” outside to outside so 19” wheels. The guy I got them from had bought them at an online auction. He said they were represented as 18” Ford wheels (1932). He said in the pictures you couldn’t see they were 6 lug. He paid a lot more than I gave him and probably shipping too. The one with broken spokes has 2 missing and 2 more pulled loose from the center, maybe I will hang it on the side of the barn or make a hose reel out of it.
Just wondering if any of you have seen the article on the VCCA Speedster sight on installing a T5 transmission. Looks interesting.
I haven't seen that but My friend's '20s Chevy racer has a T5. I can't find the pictures but I'm sure there is one in this thread.
I have not seen either one of these pictures but have built a setup using the T5 4wd case. I think it is easier than the ford mod. But do not have pics.
Here is a link to the T5 article, I don’t think you need special access to see it. Don’t know if you guys know about the VCCA speedster group. They have some interesting info sometimes. http://vcca-speedsters.org/Tech Talk/S10transmissionSwap.pdf
Does anyone have a parts book that would list the transmission crossmembers and bell housings by part number and application? I would like to know what years are the same. I know from what you all have showed me that the ‘28 crossmember is different. I think my bell housing is a ‘25 from a ton truck. Just trying to figure out what I need to be looking for to for my ‘26 frame. Someone suggested to me that there were different bell housings between 25-28. When I say “bell housing” I mean the part that has the pedal shaft sticking out of it.
Dan, My 1928 parts book does not even call out the trans. crossmember, no mater which year. The 25 transmission has the shift rods protruding out the front whenever in reverse or second. So there are two holes in the bell housing. The 25 bell can be used on any of the other transmissions including the 27-28 4 speed truck. (25 truck used same transmission bolt pattern.) If you are going to use a 25 transmission then you need to use a 25 bell or drill whatever year bell housing that you have for the shift rods. I think your idea of using the 28 crossmember and adjust the holes at the outer ends should work. The 'shim' could even be drilled and taped for the holes that misses the crossmember.
Thanks for looking and for the info. Just trying to figure out what works. Chevy added that crossmember for a reason, so I probably need to run one. By the way, the Curtis OX-5 rods are back on EBay.
Just wondering if Scat would make a set of their rods a little wider and a little longer. Compared to the OX-1 rods on eBay the Svat rods are a bargain. For those who are interested see below: Model A rod specs Length: 7-1/2" bearing: 1.5 diameter x 1.625 wide Piston pin bearing: 1" diameter
Earlier in this thread is a chart I made of rod & piston combos. I think the one I would use was Model A rods & 261 Chevy six pistons. A forged set of those just sold on eBay for $200. Some have used a Model A crank. A new balanced A crank with new insert rods & 261 pistons would be a good place to start. The crank would require some machine work.
Found these in my barn today, knew they were there just hadn’t seem ‘‘em for a while. I am thinking these might work on a Chevy four with another manifold. Not sure what they are except they say Zenith on them. Probably off some kind of British car. One has a choke, maybe originally ran as a primary and secondary.
Parts Sale Update......I had previously mentioned my need to sell my 1926 Chev rolling chassis speedster dream project and lots and lots of parts.....including two shelves of NOS engine stuff. Everything is gone !! A really nice hot rodder and his son came down from Wisconsin Rapids Wi. on Sat. We filled the back seat of his crew cab.....the box of the truck.....and stacked frame, axles, engines etc. on his 16' trailer .....it was a load !! Really nice sunny day to cherish before Winter hits us in Iowa and Wisconsin. We took a break and my brother the forklift guy fired up his 1948 Indian for us. We just all stood around......smiled ......snorted the exhaust smell ......and listened to the sweet sounds. Priceless. I still have my 1928 very complete rolling chassis that I at least want to get running to take our grandson for a ride in the field. I also kept the very early 4cyl. power unit that some company made a conversion to mount a belt pulley drive assembly on the back for farm ?? use. I am going to at least try to find more info on the conversion. I will be watching all these great projects......have fun.
UPS delivered a transmission crossmember today. Cost me less than a tank of gas including shipping, so I’m happy. It is for a 28. When the time comes to assemble, I am going to look at reworking the frame brackets so it bolts in correctly. Won’t matter if it is correct for the year as this will be a speedster.
Sorry for the late reply! 'Brain Fog'. What is the word? Improvise! The early speedsters were mainly done on the cheep, but not always. You are making great headway!
Definitely trying to build on the cheap. Everything I have have bought has been reasonably priced, some of it free, but I have way more in my unassembled chassis than the gentleman above was asking for his parts and I haven’t purchased any new parts, tires, or paint yet … and I haven’t counted the gas money going to get stuff. But I’m not complaining, part of this project is the journey, the people you meet … mostly kind folks and a couple of asses that intentionally ripped me off … the friends you make, the knowledge acquired, and the new skills I need to learn to make this happen. The only thing I would really like that I cant find are some pictures of the Chevy racer my uncle built right after returning from WW2. It started as a four cylinder that he later swapped for a Chevy 6. Hearing his stories as a young man planted the seed that got this started.
No matter where your interests in life take you there will be good people & asses. Enjoy the good ones and kick the asses.