Bought a 1928 Model A Tudor that is mostly stock and has original 4 banger and mechanical brakes. My cousin Hugh (venturamotors) came by on Saturday and helped me get it fired up. Put a new battery in it sprayed some ether in the carb and varooom! Drove it around the countryside for 20 minutes or so! We stopped by an old timers house who has a T bucket and his eyes lit up. Told me all sorts of info about the engine etc. He Told me I made his weekend and I could tell by how giddy he was.
Congrats!!! Very cool........ I myself just picked up a '28 Tudor as well......just a body though...... What plans ya have for it?????
No plans as of yet. Probably drive it this summer around town. I just bought 3 cadillac 346 flathead engines complete and I'm sure one will find it's way into the tudor. I will snap some pics after lunch and post them up.
Very cool! By the looks of the interior and modifications, it appears to be an old high schoolers jalopy.
Nothing like firing up a Model A for the first time. Where'd you pick it up? Can you tell us more of the story?
I picked it up locally from a guy who goes to Montana monthly and picks up old cars and brings them back to the big city. He was in the process of buying some cars that were used as erosion control on riverbanks back in the 40s. I guess they would just drive the car down the bank nose first and side by side for X amount of feet to help keep the river at bay. He found a spot where there are a bunch of cars being dug up and while he was picking them up he came across this tudor. The only history I have on it is that it was a 2 owner car, but stayed in the immediate family. The old guy he bought it from was in his late 80s and needed the cash. He hadn't had it running since the mid-eighties. He said it was their going to town car. I had planned to do a nice rod job on it, but after seeing how complete it is and driving it around. I'm not sure.
I think it's very cool the way it is, especially with all the add ons. I'd love to see it sometime. Mine is quite similar, amateur black lacquer paint job, poor mans chrome bumpers, naugahyde interior, and metal filled top.
Definately. My son lives in awful bothell although not sure if I'm ready to take the A out on the main roads. I wouldn't mind meeting some fellow local Hambrs
Please put some new window cranks on that gow job.. Need to get away from that pack-o-dogs on the back of your neck.
That is one cool a** car! Please forgive my ignorance, but where is that temp thingy mounted? The photo looks to me like it was taken looking down into the engine compartment? And are those door panels factory?
Temp guage is mounted on the steering column. I doubt that the door panels are factory. They have a JC Whitney feel to them.
Well fool, Looks like the leave-its have spoken. (Time to look at that 62'big window,shorty i have been hiding from you. Might make a good shop/push truck?) Give the old gal a nice home and keep her out from under the plasma knife.