I went to an estate sale this weekend for a house of a woman whose brother was apparently involved in (or a fan of) racing back in the day. I bought a pile of snapshots and thought I'd post them on here as I get them scanned. I assume these were taken at the TN State Fairgrounds track; anyone with more knowledge on the subject fell free to chime in. These first 2 were labeled "Nashville 1939"
This large framed photo was gone by the time I got to the estate sale. It looked like the guy that the snapshots belonged to wrote a book (or a 3 ring binder with pages from a typewriter) about Bill Boyd's racing career. There were a few copies for sale there.
damn.....some really good stuff from the era....and some good pics from the area....thanks for the save.....and for posting.....
I don't have racing programs for these events, but I have some info. The 1939 event was on 23rd September and it was part of the Tennesse State Fair, and the races held at Cumberland Park. The main winner was that day Jimmy Wilburn, the 2nd was Everett Saylor and the 3rd was Horace Shaw. The H1 winner was Wilburn, followed him Saylor and Shaw, and the H2 winner was Buddy Calloway, others were C.J. Waller and Kirk Washburn. The consy result was Les Adair winner, 2nd was Elbert Booker and followed him Bob Sledge.