I have had no problems with the mechanical brakes (everything was rebuilt and is new). The trans mounts are fine so far... I DO have a shimmy when engaging the trans from a stop, but it is not clear if that is related to my mounts, or some other reason. If I could change anything, I would (will) beef them up at some point. I don't think I have any other pictures; but its stupid simple... just thick flat bar bolted to the underside of the frame cross member. The bars run out from the trans at an angle to cover the whole width of the cross member, and are bolted to both sides of the member (2 bolts per bar). They meet up with the stock trans mount on the transmission.
Thanks for the update. I may copy in the future. Do you ever go to Donut Derelict's? I'd like to look your car over?
Love your car. I always come back to your build. I plan on building 1 similar to yours, AV8 with mechanical brakes. Did you use a stock Model A rear end? If so how's it holding up? Where did you hide the battery?
We did use the original stock rear end, drive shaft/torque tube. I threw some dice on that, and not only did we not rebuild it, we never cracked it open. So far it has been fine, but it does whine at "high" speeds, and it does get hot, but that seems to be normal. Battery is in this bracket welded to the right rear frame under the body: https://www.barnes4wd.com/Barnes-4WD-3478-Optima-Battery-Box_p_213.html 24131176_10159652073895273_4200657124799950525_n by mit311 posted Nov 29, 2017 at 4:23 PM You can see it peaking out in the pic above. It is an optima battery so it can be mounted sideways like that.