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Projects 1932 5w Coupe project continue

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by AULIZ, May 28, 2016.

  1. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,616


    This city (Seinäjoki, 65 000 inhabitants) we have two engine machine shop. I dont use those, because:
    My friend has all machines, so I can use machines and work there or he (retired) get little money for "bread and butter" when he is done all.
    Normally I charge V8 engine bore+hone 400-500euro, 100euro deck surfaces grinding or heads grinding.
    15euro/valve 3 angle valve jobs (15dec, 46dec, 60dec).

    Many times its lower price to buy new stuff than fix old ones. For example 29A rods to big bore & long stroke flatheads --> rebuilding takes so much money because need to have new upper pushings, good tap-hone (sunnen...) to make holes straight and right size... same with lower rod journals... I cant do those and when You leave 8 rods to engine machine shop, bill can be hundreds or euro. New Scat/Eagle Hbeams with 2" lower journal are +500usd set and those are new !

    I take down my flathead engine blocks to citric acid. 5-7% citric acid in plastic 200litre can + liquid warmer is good.

    There is on the way 3 x stroke kit from Scat. They gave me good price for three set internal balanced. Here need only bore and hone cylincer block and put together. Problem has been long deliverytime with JE pistons, but we have time. One set for me, rest two to my friends in Helsinki and Asswallriver (Peräseinäjoki. Perä = back, Seinä = wall, Joki= river). Asswallriver sounds better than backwallriver.

    Sunday Morning. Days are longer and longer. Next week schools this area has "wintervacation" , one week. Finland those are shared so that first South-Finland, 2nd middle and 3rd week they have vacation in North.
    They get more stable flow of people in Spa´s and Skiing/downhill skiing centers.
    I think, Oskar and I take short trip to North. My friend has nearly 10 000 LP records for sale. Maybe we found something to buy. Oskars first records. Same friend has restored stuff what I have bought from bankruptcy auction there in north.
    Today I put together Caddy short block. That is good Sunday forenoon job. 1959 coupe de ville engine was OK condition before rebuilding, now it will be like new. Cadillac quality is good, best. Its pleasure to rebuilt caddy engine. Casting is best, machinery jobs, materials, ..... Yes, caddy was expensive but worth !!!
    chryslerfan55, nunattax, oj and 7 others like this.
  2. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,616


    Kanter was sent wrong main bearings .... so Cadillac 390 engine rebuilding is not continue. Still waiting for that they send me new ones. Stupid company.
    Originally they sent pistons, rings, valves, lifters and bearings. Shipping cost 386usd.
    I reclamate and told that You are sending big big boxes where 80% is filled using paper/other packing material. International shipping right cost for big box is 150-180usd. Last week arrived same size box from Original Parts Goup (CA), shipping was 98usd which is very very low cost.

    We were few days on the way from home.

    Today i continued with Harman Collins magneto. I made adjustable rotor and distr.cap holders.


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    Last edited: Mar 1, 2024
  3. patsurf
    Joined: Jan 18, 2018
    Posts: 1,663


    interesting way to dial in some advance!
  4. AmishMike
    Joined: Mar 27, 2014
    Posts: 1,173


    Been years since I messed with mag on a vette; but seem to remember always set at max advance that why hard to start on street duty. Manually retard to start they let in advance. Guess Audi’s has this one set to start & somehow he has added advance mechanism.
  5. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,616


    Sorry my english. I don´t understand Your clause
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  6. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,616


    Harman Collins mag hasnt advance. I have never need that. Flathead total advance is +20dec, easy fire up engine cold or warm.
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  7. patsurf
    Joined: Jan 18, 2018
    Posts: 1,663


    you can move the rotor instead of the mag housing--same result--and your english is every bit the equal of mine!
    chryslerfan55 and Outback like this.
  8. AmishMike
    Joined: Mar 27, 2014
    Posts: 1,173


    I do not understand the purpose of the mag & rotor add on if the mag is always set at 20 degrees advance. Been years since I used one
    Outback likes this.
  9. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,616


    Everybody has own opinion how to built car, how to adjust magneto....
    I do my way, have had 5pc those Harman collins.
    - First engine turned 24-25dec advance. 20dec makes more heat. Need to remember that if you have good new parts in Your engine, engine is internal balanced etc etc. 24-25dec is not very much. Of course need to have good cam, lobe maybe 112 - 114.... and of course good quality fuel, unlead with good RON

    - Second bottom plate need to turn right position. If You want strong spark, need to be installed just right position, then gives all "load" out. I use little smaller points cap than magneto manufacturer is told. Also coil need to be recoiled because those +70y old coils are leak (maybe work fine when cold, but not give spark when warm)

    -Third. Now advance is OK, magneto position (points opening timing) OK.
    Adjustable rotor: I can be sure that rotor shows direct to cylinder nr 1, I turn it and tight with stop screws.

    That is my way to do it, maybe wrong, Im just trainee

    Last edited: Mar 5, 2024
  10. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,616


    windshield fram opening mechanism welded.
    Harman collins bolted on. Now need to make lower v-belt pulley smaller....
    Final weldings (cowl, Pass side quarter window) done.

    Cadillac 390 heads ready. Yesterday I made 15 / 46 / 60 dec valveseat jobs and installed all valves, springs.... Now just waiting for that Kanter is sent me right mainbearings. They have promised last 4 days do that, but I dont belive their talks or writes....

    Last week arrived another 1965 GS Buick from California.
    That was good find. Not Running car but very rare options (Dual Quad (2 x 4bbl), tilt steering column, rear swaybar,....) Good to have two 65 GS nailhead....

    One pic from Nitro V-twin motorcycle factory.
    Somebody bring me new leather cloves for TIG welding. Yes, they are worried about by clothes and cloves... (mostly ruptured).

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    Last edited: Mar 5, 2024
    chryslerfan55, bymanr, RICH B and 6 others like this.
  11. Dick Stevens
    Joined: Aug 7, 2012
    Posts: 3,935

    Dick Stevens

  12. just a note I have used skat cranks a bunch and always have em rebalanced makes for smooth running .....
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  13. swifty
    Joined: Dec 25, 2005
    Posts: 2,432


    My glassman has had an unchopped 32-5 window for over 50 years and when he fitted the windshield in my unchopped 32-5W he said " There it's closed ,now leave it closed"
    Guess all the hardware is just for looks. I assume once you open it you increase the possibility of leaks.
    Outback likes this.
  14. patsurf
    Joined: Jan 18, 2018
    Posts: 1,663


    i was def congratulating your take on that!
  15. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,616


    This engine I have Merc 4" crank which I have grind to 2" size journals. I get little extra stroke when grinded eccentric. I have balanced all flatheads. Very low price "insurance".
    Now there is coming from Scat 3 x 304cid flathead stroke kit. Those are balanced in CA.

    today get 5w coupe weldings ready. and grinded all. Also started weldings hammering.

    I like old style hot rods, but maybe this is little too high.... going older, easier go in and out when real "hi-boy" or how would I say it,.. "high-boy". I have changed rear axle ends from side to another. That drop rear maybe 3". Rear spring is posies style with plastic slides. No, turned ends, maybe little higher than original spring.
    When I take body off, I straight rear frame support little. Front spring can be modified and there I find 1" drop more. OK height in front looks good, but after rear drop need to check again if front needs small drop too.

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  16. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,616


    One thing more:

    I want to install those rear fender mounting nuts + 2pc/side bolts like originally.

    Who give me dimensions?
    Front side: I think there is one bolt? and after that 3pc holes (nut inside of innerfender)
    Rear side: I think there is two bolt
    See pic
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2024
  17. AmishMike
    Joined: Mar 27, 2014
    Posts: 1,173


    Have always admired your work. You might check out “65standard” has a new post called “sittin
  18. AmishMike
    Joined: Mar 27, 2014
    Posts: 1,173


    Oops. Post - “sitting on the chopping block”
  19. hook00pad
    Joined: Mar 5, 2013
    Posts: 41


    I really enjoy your posts and pictures, Aulis. Surely someone with a 5 window can give you some fender dimensions.

    Al Hook
  20. swifty
    Joined: Dec 25, 2005
    Posts: 2,432


    @AULIZ I thought you would have had the dimensions by now as you asked nearly 2 weeks ago. I have a UPAC body and can measure it if you still need the info. On mine my mate took a button head setscrew, filled the hex hole with filler, cut a screwdriver slot in the threaded end and put them in from inside the trunk. Then they got painted with the rest of the body. Looks OK, well I reckon it solved the problem.
    chryslerfan55 and brEad like this.
  21. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,616


    Please, That would be very very nice if You can give me dimensions. I haven´t been in garage couple of weeks.
    So much other things to do,... I want to drill and weld those "square nuts" and "studs" three before I continue project. before summer body off, 5-6kg epoxy primer on it....

    P-51 roadster is driven homegarage. Just changed oil, make some basic greasing etc... then its ready for summer 2024.

    my mailbox is: or

    Many Thanks !

    Last edited: Mar 22, 2024
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  22. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,616


    It has been too cold and slow..... Not at all "garagetime"..... 1932 P-51 roadster generator update + magnetize
    (polarization) it. Also changed another voltage regulator.

    1932 5w coupe is just waiting for that I have time to lift body off, make some jobs and spray 3litre epoxy primer all over body. 1955 cameo wheels and 5w coupe fuel tank are sandblasted. Cameo wheels need to paint. Fuel tank I try on fix (dents downside) before I leave it and grill to powder coating.

    12/2023 I bought one mc and gs buick from CA. Yes, I have one 1965 GS, but this one has rare A9optio, price was good for me and car is very solid. KZ-700 I register next week "historical vehicle". All year costs are after that 34euro/year. My Oskar son is drive same time his Z50 Honda to same historical vehicle inspection.
    Yes, those are out of my 1932 5w coupe topic, but this is life. Hot rodding includes also those vehicles.... even those are not hot rods...


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  23. Hey Auliz, good to see a post from yah! How the heck have you been? That Buick looks like a neat and rare car. Is that a 425 Nailhead in that? That is probably a pretty rare engine configuration - with the dual quads. My brother and his wife are headed to Finland in a couple weeks - going to get off the plane and "kiss the ground" of our Motherland! I wish I was with him - but too many projects in life at the moment. Take care my friend!
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  24. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,616


    I have been hurry with coffee shop.... + dayjob still need to do (few years, Im 58).
    Original 401cid nailhead. A9 optio (dual quad) is rare. Also this 1965 Skylark GS has other interesting optios like rear swaybar and tilt steering column. Fuel pump is not working. there is on the way from RockAuto new pump + few maintenance parts. I leave car like that outlook.

    I hope Your brother and his wife are also this area (Seinäjoki city, Middle-Finland west side) and I can see them.
    Have they arranged all trip or need help?

    I have too many projects too, but have decided that 5w coupe is nr.1, after that 1955 cameo carrier.

    Today fired up P-51. Now generator and voltage regulator work fine. I can finish that small rebuilding.
    Still need to grease all pushings and tierod ends, check italmeccanica oil, change V-belts..... --> rod is ready for all summer daily car use.

  25. 29Sleeper
    Joined: Oct 25, 2023
    Posts: 330

    from SoCal

    A friend built a Bantam roadster while we were in high school '67. It had a 348 Tri power w/B&M Hydro. Everyone called it a pig of an engine but it would carry the front wheels across an intersection. One time a buddy was leaning over the windshield tapping the carb with a screwdriver to unstick the float. When it caught his feet getting caught under the dash is all the kept him in the car.
    chryslerfan55 and Outback like this.
  26. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,616


    4-5months gone.... I have done nothing in garage. Just try to keep coffee shop running, dayjob takes it time too. Basic hot rod and other cars maintenance, small rebuildings. 1955 cameo wheels painted red. Finally I got three Scat 304cid strokekit which I bought 7-8month earlier.

    P-51 runs great, not big problems. I have used it like daily driver and few longer oneday run.
    Last weekend we were in Tierp European Championship (sweden, Tierp Arena). First time Oskar was in bigger drag race competition. As You see picture, its hard job to sit there and see race....

    I continue 5w coupe project after one month.
    pushed car out...Im not sure how much I need to drop rear, maybe little front too... or leave like it is now.

    Oskar is drive his Honda Monkey (1976) Z50, but while its good to drive hot rod, pick up, buicks.... slowly learn how to handle diffent cars....
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  27. Glad to see you’re back! Always enjoy your posts. Your young man has really grown!
  28. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,616


    Thanks !!!
    Yes, Oskar is grown very much. only 2-3cm to my lenght (177cm). Slowly we are learning things.
    This summer we pieced, cleaned and tuned hot rod carburetors, Honday Monkey Z50 carb... I try to same time explain what means idler, power valve and main jets. How those all can be adjust and get engine working good all RPM....

    Next springtime coupe is ready. I hope he is help me to get car ready and so he feels that he is important part of project.

    chryslerfan55, brEad, Outback and 5 others like this.
  29. patsurf
    Joined: Jan 18, 2018
    Posts: 1,663


  30. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,616


    rock´n´roll... Summer is gone, coffee shop in Seinäjoki marketplace is closed. We sold over 40 000 cup of coffee, very much ice-cream, coffee bread,.... too hard for me.... Now I have take one week easy. Slowly I lock myself to garage... This week goal is to get all woods on their places and start to make wooden inside panels. Just bought 5 square meter 4mm plywood
    Didn´t found original style woodscrews for B-pillar installation. I use aircraft notched washers and smaller woodscrews. Quarterwindow frames and rear window frame need to chop. rod-coupe572.jpg rod-coupe573.jpg rod-coupe574.jpg rod-coupe575.jpg rod-coupe576.jpg rod-coupe577.jpg rod-coupe578.jpg rod-coupe579.jpg

    Deutscher, mvee33, brEad and 7 others like this.

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