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Projects 1932 5w Coupe project continue

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by AULIZ, May 28, 2016.

  1. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    few hour more and drv door garnish moulding is ready.

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  2. Dick Stevens
    Joined: Aug 7, 2012
    Posts: 3,935

    Dick Stevens

  3. Stogy
    Joined: Feb 10, 2007
    Posts: 26,840


    Merry Christmas and a wish for a Happy New Year to you and the family @AULIZ...finally you have a project for you...thanks for sharing and I am excited to see you make it yours...I'm thinking there won't be hood sides...not with a motor like nice to cover up...fenders or highboy?...can't recall...
    chryslerfan55 and brady1929 like this.
  4. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Thank You Sirs !

    I have plan I make only one piece hood top only. Carbs are come thru hood. Hood sides I keep open.
    I want that engine is possible to see. Let´s see how project goes foward.

    chryslerfan55, Stogy, Outback and 2 others like this.
  5. panhead_pete
    Joined: Feb 22, 2006
    Posts: 3,516


    More outstanding work as always!
    Stogy likes this.
  6. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Seat is ready. I was straighten seat slides and bolt on their places between seat and subframe.

    Sometimes You need to make things twice, maybe three times..... today i installed door window channel kit and note that there was not enough free space between outer skin and garnish moulding.
    I drive to plater company and cut there new garnish moulding material. New sheetmetals are 10mm narrower. I bended those same style than old ones. Another edge 180dec and another 90dec.

    Now, I think, 2nd version is better. Bottom is wide one and upper sheetmetal is 10mm narrower.

    I found one wood, which I was left out from 5w coupe which i built 2006-2007 (1932 5w coupe with 409cid+muncie+halibrand quick change). Then I didnt find right place for that wood.... Now It found on its place near windshield frame hinges.

    If somebody have extra 5w coupe windshield hinges, Im ready to buy those.


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    Last edited: Dec 27, 2023
    chryslerfan55, Stogy, brEad and 3 others like this.
  7. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Both doors garnish mouldings are ready.
    Next I install orig. 1932 steering box, dash, orig. 32 column drop, clutch arm.... Next week I continue welding.
    trunk lid, rain gutters... very much to do before Im ready to chop top.

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    chryslerfan55, Stogy, brEad and 5 others like this.
  8. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Friday 29th Dec. 5-6hours I open 1959 Caddy 390cid engine. Next week need to measure cylincers and crank journals. Maybe need to bore, hone and grind journals. I was decide that I dont take any extra sheetmetal jobs, or engine buildings... but this engine I promised nearly one year ago. Yesterday paid 3 x flathead stroke kits from Scat Enterprices. They gave me good price for 3 set (304cid flathead). One for me, another sets to my friends.

    steering box, column drop, dash... test installed. Header is touch steering box. Maybe I hammer two small dents to header. Tomorrow need to warm and bend 1932 original steering arms. Now tie rod is touch crank pulley.
    original 1932 upper steering arm need to twist too. Shocks are ready. I have opened two of those. All works like frog shocks are working... not so good than later models, but those look so gooooood


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    chryslerfan55, brEad, swade41 and 6 others like this.
  9. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    First in the morning (6.00->) I was work with header and steering box. Now there is 2-3mm clearance.
    Steering wheel was lost small pieces and had cracks. Need to fix it step by step.

    Headlight stands (alum.) I turned right position (heat and turn) bored holes and bolted on.
    What is this Ethernal HotRods manufacturer?

    Maybe use those Grimes WWII aircraft lights front like parklight/turnsignal. Need to change those from 24v to 12v.

    Drv side 1932 ford original spindle heat and turned upper steering arm and steering arm. Front axle is 32 Heavy which has been dropped approx 2.5". Im not sure if I use only those needle trustbearings (downside of axle. between axle and spindle) or regular style trust bearing upside of spindle. I like more that simple outlook when trustbearing is between axle and spindle.

    When I built P-51 roadster I made those spacers which is needed when used original 1932 spindle and later model hydraulic brakes. I use this car 37-41 lincoln original bendix brakes. I think I have all stuff ready. This project has been so long time waiting for continue, I have forgot where I have all stuff....

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    chryslerfan55, brEad, swade41 and 6 others like this.
  10. Tim
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
    Posts: 18,732

    from KCMO

    I don’t know what looks cooler the car or the shop!
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2023
    chevyfordman, GoJoMoJo and Stogy like this.
  11. GoJoMoJo
    Joined: Feb 21, 2007
    Posts: 161

    from Sonora

    Looks like someone knows Lazze. Great metal shaping skills!
    Stogy likes this.
  12. Fortunateson
    Joined: Apr 30, 2012
    Posts: 5,607


    Did you rebuild your shocks? I have the front and backs for my 5W but they can’t move at all! People I’ve spoken to said they are VERY difficult to rebuild...

    If you did rebuild them did you post the process?
    29EHV8, chryslerfan55 and Stogy like this.
  13. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Lazze = He is professional and many of his apprentice too. Im just learn slowly myself. I think, Lazze lives now a days somewhere in California. Maybe he still have those Lazze´s sheet metal courses?

    These Rear shocks I have opened. I There was nothing big problem. Just welded adjustable needle another shock. Seals (cap o-ring, shaft v-ring) leak and those I changed + new hydraulic oil. Front shocks are not 1932 ford. I dont know what Year shocks those are, but those are bigger and feels very "hard" = good.

    Earlier, years ago, I have opened A-ford/1932 early shocks. same problems, leaks need to change seals.

    I was two days taking easy. Today I heat and turned steering arms more down. Now tie rod has enough space when I turn wheels. Also worked with Lincoln backing plates. I still need to lathe drums from surface which is near backing plate. 1932 Ford spindle is different kind than late 30´s , early 40´s lincoln spindles.

    I cut king pins shorter because I dont want to use those big trust bearings. I use thin needlebearings between frontaxle and spindle.

    Rearend: You can see that I have turned original rearaxle ends from side to another.
    Originally spring mounting is upside of rearaxle, now its downside. Same time I changed ring and pinion to 3.54:1 and installed sleeves on wheel bearing inner surfaces and grinded new ones to right dimension.

    I found good material for grill. I want to make own grill with some special things.
    Yes, we have cold, very cold weather here. Today morning -32decrees (celcius). I have good insualted garage with floorheating, so I have +17dec there any weather outside.


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    Last edited: Jan 2, 2024
    chryslerfan55, Stogy, brEad and 5 others like this.
  14. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 31,991


    Just found this build, great work on the window garnish molding. Bob
    Stogy likes this.
  15. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Thank You Sir.

    I have installed door latch, striker plates, female and male dovetails. Found missing windshield frame hinges. Worked few hours with windshield frame. It was twisted, corners turned in. Still upper bar is little "banana" (curved).

    Trunk lid is now "under construction. Hinges, latch, lower edge need to weld and make ready.....


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    chryslerfan55, Stogy, brEad and 7 others like this.
  16. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Where You buy Ford stuff now a days?
    - Mac´s = I dont find nothing. It was good before Ecklers bought it
    - CG early ford CA = stock is very much smaller than years ago. They cant say ETA for many producs
    - Bob Drake ?
    - CW Moss ? That was good when Old Gentleman owned and bought very much from Derek too. I dont know who owns now a days

    I sent order to CG Ford. 50% "out of stock without ETA".
    I found some stuff from CW Moss and left my order in.

    Still missing very much:
    - 1932 5w coupe seat adjuster bracket (A-37840 or 32-371485)
    - 1932 Draglink or tie rod (original style , when using old style tierod/drag link -ends)
    - Cromed or blc emergency brake handle
    - straight brake lines (50", 40", 20"..... ) different lenghts
    chryslerfan55 and Stogy like this.
  17. Deuce Lover
    Joined: Feb 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,147

    Deuce Lover

    Third Gen in TN,
    Early Ford Store in San Dimas ,CA
    All Ford Parts in Campbell,CA.
    Southside Obsolete in MN
  18. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    trunk and trunk lid is cheat me. One day more and it´s ok for me.

    Today I picked up material for grill shell. 25euro (25usd) 20meter 180dec turned sheetmetal and 16meter round tube which has open cut. Let´s see what I get done later this week


    Note Oskar´s jeans! rod-coupe345.jpg rod-coupe346.jpg rod-coupe347.jpg rod-coupe348.jpg rod-coupe349.jpg rod-coupe350.jpg rod-coupe351.jpg rod-coupe352.jpg rod-coupe353.jpg rod-coupe354.jpg rod-coupe355.jpg oskar-80.jpg oskar-81.jpg still fit after next 40-50years... I have bought him Levi´s 511, 501... but style is this... hahaaa.
    I bought him from music instrument shop bankrupt 2 x 100w vacuum tube ampflier and Les Paul custom. Total only 500euro (usd).... he is just learning hotel california and stepway to heaven.
    29EHV8, chryslerfan55, Stogy and 10 others like this.
  19. patsurf
    Joined: Jan 18, 2018
    Posts: 1,663


    he'll get all the chicks!
  20. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Hahaaa... Quitar + boy + campfire --> Girls are melt.....

    few hours worked with grill. Not welded any of those spokes, need to decide what is right distance between those spokes. Also used old 1932 hood center hinge.


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    chryslerfan55, Stogy, brEad and 8 others like this.
  21. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    It takes time to make own grill, but I think its worth.
    Yesterday 4hours, today 8hours, tomorrow 6hours...

    every spoke need to straight after welded togerher (two part).


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    chryslerfan55, Stogy, brEad and 12 others like this.
  22. dirt car
    Joined: Jun 26, 2010
    Posts: 1,397

    dirt car
    from nebraska

    Where did you source for the open cut round stock metal & what is the correct name or part order number ? however looking for a state side vendor in my case.Thanks,Ron
    Stogy and Outback like this.
  23. Travis latour
    Joined: Jul 7, 2015
    Posts: 209

    Travis latour
    from Putnam CT

    this build thread is amazing. cant wait to see more!
    Stogy likes this.
  24. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Thank You Sirs.
    I don´t know what is name of this tube (OD. 1/4") with crack.... Yesterday evening I was try to find it from steel wholesales websites, but too much products there. I found this one from local company who is made those big tubes on roof (air condition, heat recovering...) . They told me that they used tube when made "sparknets" front of fireplaces.

  25. attitudor
    Joined: Sep 28, 2004
    Posts: 3,124

    from Finland

    Looking good, thanks for sharing Aulis!
    Stogy likes this.
  26. dirt car
    Joined: Jun 26, 2010
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    dirt car
    from nebraska

    I have a "spark" net as you call it for my wood burner, although it is full circumference rod tack welded to the mesh, the nearest I have found to what you have is very similar to the 32-ford dash oval trim but (non stainless steel) & square stock as opposed to round. Its primarily used on commercial steel sash & basement windows & hammered in a channel to secure window screen, the open or slit portion crushes in the process binding the screen to the frame More common prior to the advent of A.C. but still around.
    chryslerfan55 and Stogy like this.
  27. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Grill 85% ready. Still need to fix weldings etc. before powder coating.
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  28. woodbutcher
    Joined: Apr 25, 2012
    Posts: 3,309


    :D Hello Auliz.All I have to say about this thread is OUTSTANDING sir.Thank you for taking the time and effort to photograph and post your progress.Hope you and yours have a great 2024.
    Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.
    chryslerfan55, Stogy and brEad like this.
  29. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Thank You Sir.
    Now a days so easy to shoot pics when we have those "hitech" phones in pocket.
    I like pictures. Those can be looked many times and those tell more than my bad english.
    80´s when started built American cars, I made photo-album every car I built and owned.
    24pic roll or 36pic was rather espensive to make pictures.....

    Today when Oskar is bicycle here (-15dec celcius outside) we drive to Swedish Jula -market and from there to another shop. We need to buy him working clothes and automatic welding mask. Im old style welder, I have same weldingmask from early 90´s. I nod my head and mask drop down. I have tested sometimes those automatic, but that is not for me... Oskar is in 7th grade in basic school. Next period they have metal metal handcraft, he wants to weld and learn advance (mig and tig). Last year he make me "scoop for throwing water on the sauna stove".
    Wooden handle, furnace heated + turned + black finished rod + copper strecthed cup which was rived on.
    Good that they need to learn in basic school basic skills how to fix or repair small things.... Now a days mostly people are not try to fix or repair anything. 90% handless except when they have cellphone on hand.

  30. DrJekyllMrHyde
    Joined: Dec 23, 2016
    Posts: 75


    As always a great pleasure to read your tread!
    A mix of high end craftmanship, and good tellings of your everyday life in Finland.
    Always admired finnish car and bike builds, a step up in creavity from even the swedes! ☺️
    And you hold the torch high!
    A friend and I will visit the Kustom Kulture Show i Helsinki in february, should be outstanding I understand. A “must have seen” Hotrod thing to do at least once I think.
    Keep up the good work and posting!
    Cheers from Denmark
    chryslerfan55, Stogy, Outback and 2 others like this.

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