Does anyone have a picture of where they mounted a Carter P4070 fuel pump in a 1932 Ford Frame. I’ve found a number of pictures for the horizontal in line pumps, but nothing for the larger Vertical mounted Carter. If it matters, it’s stock frame and tank, and will power Dual 81’s on a Hopped Up Banger. All 12V Negative Ground.
My P4070 is mounted on the passenger side frame rail, just forward of the rear axle. The fuel line goes through the frame, then exits near the motor mount. The vertical tank is mounted immediately behind the back seat (it's a '28 Tudor sedan body).
One thing for sure, you want it as close to the fuel tank as possible - as they are good at pushing/pumping forward, but not so good at suction from the tank itself.
I placed mine in board frame driver side about the seat location. I sure hope it works as the frame is in the paint shop.
On my tudor it’s the same as Gary’s, maybe six inches farther forward. I am pulling from a stock 32 tank.
The ones I built were in the same spot as Just Gary, unless, the car had a stock location tank. Then it was mounted to the rear cross member just behind the rear axle. Remember, they push much better and more efficiently than they pull.
Over the years I have ran many configurations Electric & Stock GM mechanical pumps , Some times it trial and error on location. On stock pic up Location for carbs with modified pick up 3/8 installed into tank I aways use a BBC tri power pump works well on SBC on high HP sbc , It depends on how much fuel engine needs & the Negative GeForce in system . Then Experiment with Electric pumps, Some not pull as well , So On stock 32 tank I would use the Drain to feed the pump , Close to axle Before or after , If not with a drain bun , I would weld in a bun On tank lower edge ( Not on Bottom ) & run a tube in side tank with a turn up about 1 inch , I never let a 32 style tank get below 1/4 , Because tank, Its So wide there not much for pick up to suck fuel if using stockish pick up , & the Rake of car matters also. I also run a intank fuel pumps by AeroMotive. 340 Supports 800 hp , with a return , with a Carb more . "" if thinking of in tank fuel pump on 32, I had to source out PTF, full flow tight bend fittings from Aerospace & Aviation if you do not want to cut your Stock floor pan up, The ones Sold / advertised in Catalogs (automotive ) are much bigger not as compact as Aviation and Aerospace