I sold this roadster in 1975 and bought it back last spring. It came back with a freshly rebuilt B engine with an original Miller high speed head, cam, Thomas intake, two Stromberg 94's and minus it's fenders. The interior is from J C Whitney. The steering wheel and windshield frame may have come the same?
Super bitchin' banger in there! That's great. Real nice looking car too. Gotta question the need for giant drag slicks behind that 4 cylinder though!
It must have got home sick and left in such a hurry that it forgot to put its fenders back on. Wow, 40+yrs and it's back home. Was it in the hands of the one you sold it to? The OEM fenders might be there or with another previous owner and ready to go back on?
I bet it cost you way, way more to get it back than when you let it go. Ugh! progress marches on. LOL!
Per khead47's request, here are some other pics with other wheels and tires. I am trying to figure out how to post the 1975 Polaroid's I have of it?
I personally am loving the look with the wire wheels! And im not always a wire wheel guy, i swapped them off of my roadster for solids, but i really like the look on yours. Sent from my LG-M153 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Wow...that's incredible that you were able to buy it back all those years later!... What's the story on how you found and bought it originally?
Doug,I remember seeing it in Bob's building a couple of years after you sold it.I liked it with the fenders and black and white interior. I called him several years ago and he had sold it shortly before ,I missed it by that much. Good on you for getting it back.