Looking for some guidance here ! I am disassembling a 32 cab for a multitude of reasons - structural damage from a minor accident, rust repair at the bottoms, eventual windshield replacement etc. The 2 most outer windshield mounting screws are not accessible by any means from where the roof is covering the area at the top of the A' pillar. Removing the roof panel - everything around the perimeter at the rear panel / roof is out, and the B' pillar rivets are removed, the 3 bolts at the top of the A' pillar are removed but the roof is still attached. I have attached a picture showing some "extra" welding that was done at some point in its lifetime - that has been opened up but it's still attached. There appears to be at least 3 factory spot welds directly above the bubblegum welding ( as shown in the 3 circled areas ) so if I break these loose from the upper portion of the cowl, will the roof section become separated from the cowls header panel or are there more welded areas I should be looking for ?
Yes, there are - all of them have rusted, some are / were stripped, and the 2 outermost screws are inaccessible with a screwdriver, unless there is some sort of angled version or a universal joint before the tip
Been awhile since I removed one of those, but I'm sure I didn't have to remove the roof to do it. How about just cutting the heads off those 2 screws with a chisel or die grinder? Also, they make 90 degree screwdrivers, some even ratchet........not sure what would work without pics?
Will be following this as I'm certain other owners will as well, I believe at least two roof versions were offered in the 32-34 cabs, a welded & leaded seam & an open unfilled butt joint, however unlikely either required removal to service a glass replacement, & yes, I do see where roof removal may be of benefit to your case in point & anxiously await replies.
I just removed the windshield from my '34 last week. I could get to all the screws with the window propped open with a piece of wood.
are the inner post garnish molding off? do you have a photo?, I have never had to remove a roof to change a windshield on ANYTHING