Hey People, A 2 pronged post here 1. Looking for pics or links of 34 Fords with track / bonneville style noses for inspiration on a build. Been searching for ages and it's all T, A and bit of 32 stuff but can only find the Peirson Bros, Socal and the recent Milestone 34 Coupes and the odd other one. Any other good examples? 2. Any repo glass ones being built big enough to be modified for a 34? I can onlt find T repo noses, any others out there? Cheers Steve
heres one i always liked...and if i had a 33/34 3 window....what I'd build i might be able to help you in having a nose built also if you want an aluminum one Zach
There was a nice red and black loboy roadster in Street Rodder a couple months back, sorry I got no pics. Rich
I had a 33 Ford Cabriolet and a 36 Studebaker 3W Coupe years ago. One day I took the 36 Stude hood and radiator shell and mounted them on the 33 Ford. The hood fit pretty well needing a trim for contour on the cowl and the radiator shell was outstanding, a little tall but really sleek. Thought it would have made a really different track nose as a swap out for the original now and then. The shell would have needed to be shortened a bit. Just an idea that I had that I never did further than the mockup.
i dont have a pic but i have thought about build a 27 track-t with a 1/4 size 34 grill, same shape, same slope, same look but smaller.
2 cool ones there! Stude idea sounds interesting Here's a few I have found so far, must be more out there?
Don't have any pictures, but always liked the look of two '40 Ford hoods grafted together to make the nose.
No pics of the superbell coupe? I've got a cool front end for my 34 but you'll have to wait till I get it on the car. Clark
I have a fiberglass track nose for a 34. A really good looking nose and frame horn covers and spash aprons all in one. I got it at the fathers day swap meet a couple of years ago. I'll take a picture this weekend.
Hi there, my 34 coupe will be similar to the Pierson Brothers. So layed back the "A" pillar as far as the law will let me to be street legal and chopped the rest to suit and I think it has come out pretty good , next stage is the bonnet and grille and doors. I have a Kurtis Kraft fiber grille surround which will be lengthened and widened to suit the 34 bonnet and sides. I will be running SBC with three carbs
Yeah I've seen the two 40 hoods together but certainly not low buck when in England, That purple effort is pretty awesome Beatnik, any more info or pics of it? Skipstich, the dark blue on is the 652 car repainted I believe. Arnnz, that's cool and I've sent you an e-mail.
Here is a link to an October 1951 Hot Rod Magazine cover and feature on 69d. http://www.users.bigpond.com/designjp/hotrodmags.html Note that the first picture Gotzy posted is the same car as posted by SUHRsc at a different stage. The purple car was featured in a Buckaroo publication a few months ago and has an unknown fiberglass body, possibly a Gibbon.
Here's the nose I have. I'm not putting it on my current project. I'm saving it for possible future use. Looks like the So Cal 34 roadster might have the same one.
hi kevin, anyway we can talk you into taking a pic of it on your car?? having a hard time picturing that shell. thanks, gary i just noticed the red roadster above with that front, i see it now thanks
That's a mad link 22 Track, very helpful, thanks That's a cool front Kev and it does look like the same as the socal roadster. Can't make up my mind if it too aero or not but has certainly got me thinking. Nah, I like it a lot. Sorry SUHRsc / Zac, I only just noticed the comment below the pic you posted. I think Aluminium noses will be out of my price range unfortunatly. Cheers Gotzy
Has anyone ever built a 34 Ford Roadster hot rod with a Track Nose and a regular, not stripped down interior? It'd be cool to see pictures of something like that.