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Projects 1934 LaSalle old school convertible coupe build thread

Discussion in 'Traditional Customs' started by F&J, Jul 10, 2017.

  1. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,279



    Minus 5F !!!! at 2am last eve,,, had to feed the woodstove is why I was up! O-F'n-K?? he,he

    I won't be posting those pics & text of my "new room" yet...ain't quite done yet.. :) but I sure am still pecking away at the basics...BUT, I did get to where I was goin' on that wildazzed 2017 journey at maybe an hour before "O'dark 30" yesterday...the First Day of 2018!...Oh, ..and...also realized why I was driven suddenly to take an unused room and "do an epic, but obsessed build" LMFAO!!!
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    a week prior to Christmas... Me W/Big Dave, long time friend, lost his Margie 14 months ago, went down to 135lbs at "his bottom", middle daughter Kelly was there as "a healer" ...she got 20 lbs back on as of last Dr visit 2 weeks before this pic... She was leaving for a week back to her life/family in Cali for Christmas, but should be back on duty here soon! Me too!, but I told him, "YOU call me!, I am too busy to keep calling you..and you only answer when Dave feels like it".. LOL..! Oh, shit...Kellllly !!! oh, CUTIE??? ....ooohhhh!! dayum! and she cooks JUST like her Mom!! and just as pretty! ...but not as wild as Margie was back when she was sneakin' out with the older Dave, with either the Harley mostly, or the fenderless 32 flattie coupe with NO pipes, or the 40 Ford, or 50 merc! So There! I roll with the best! ...and I swear!...I kinda try to behave myself with their :)
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2018
  2. Not why but instead why not!!

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  3. catdad49
    Joined: Sep 25, 2005
    Posts: 6,741


    Thanks Frank, first chuckle for the New Year!
    vtwhead and F&J like this.
  4. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,279


    Yo Carp, go to the main board on the top Sticky for the Hamb swag offerings...I posted there this"can't touch this" quote from M C Hammer idiot that I am! but damn happy one today!
    catdad49 likes this.
  5. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,279


    Yous'e gals and guys want me to go on the most excdellent trip in this bigginning of a to pay in cash, my heating oil bill...oh, we ran out sometime yesterday, my son said that when he got home from work at near dark... hmmmnnnn I head some jackass? making noises like clangong pipes? at by back door at 5:30 am today??? I I'm uncombed haior of couse, but did have fg'n pants on, no shoes... I go out and this guy is filling our tank right there? I said "Hey can you keep it down, I am trying to sleep!" he thought I was serious!! but I let him off easy/..

    so, should I NOT go pay? today? in the Star doodlebug? cannot drive on edge of Rt 32! causing danger to CT DOT that just went by I was walking home from that oil company... I went there "the back way" through woods and lovely old former woods..scouting a potential path? Ok, I asked the really pretty gal if sher can take cash? Oh after she just got off the phone with a panicked customer.. "We will try to get there, we have been working 15 hour days, the tanks we buy from are nearly spent, BUT if you run OUT, we will send some one with a few gallons in containers to get your heat back on!"

    ok, you peeps GET why I love my neighborhood YET? Huh? :)

    I have no clue if the Star will crap out, fresh build not even timed yet, etc, etc...but has snow chains! (wired on, too long they were!)I'm Fn NUTZ!! LMFAO! I cannot go fast way on the road! No WAY! but who cares if it craps out on that back adventure! NOT MOI! :) I worry "No Mas!" < my Spanish tongue improves!! Anybody want to go..hurry please.. it is getting colder and deeper! Bye, you sit in your womb LOL.. Signed, Idiot Frank.

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    kidcampbell71 and catdad49 like this.
  6. Wow. That indeed looks cold and chilly. Amazing and expected that a near century old Star Doodlebug horseless carriage is rearing to go, thru that mess.

    Keep ringing that auld lang syne bell of yesteryear's treasures ya' got. Would love to see the Doodlebug and driver mashing thru what mother nature is good for. Too cool ! Ain't technology grand ? Ummm' it is an electric start ? Or nah' ?
    F&J likes this.
  7. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,279


    Hey Jamie... Listen... oh, oh there's that f'n word againg.. I am so hurtiin my tummie... I am not shitting youse... oww@!!

    yes, elec starter but never hooked up the charging wire! owww../. lolehelp me!! I fn hurt!!

    I did home... oewwwww... no kidding, I cannot stop laughing HARD to be able to show where the F this total asshole went...I can't even believe it made it...the snow was so much deeper that when I scouted that trail!! Later I will, OK? I got to make that stew.. Oh, Shit!! I get inside my home, the Ph recorder light is blinking...The F'n town safety message "Stay HOME! do not dare go out!!, ...stay off the Fn roads!!!!! Owwwwee... oh shit I wish a fn cutie was here to get a fn ride! .... my gloves and clothes , beard...feet,,were all solid ice!! LMFAO

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    ^^ it puked the radiator wicked bad as I came up through their back lot. past the last fence...that thin piece of rope for a fan belt was not gripping!! hood was falling off half way there!! I stepped on it harder!!! no lie..not stopping now,,, oww.. Later, peeps...ok? ...ohwww

    EDIT at son just called in here...the Town of Manchester, closer to the Ct river, more "central Ct".. a sprawling big place, malls, businesses, everything...he said "it's all F;d" in his exact words! White out, fierce winds, He had to give up one tough area on his run, as it just drifts right back behind him! NO winds HERE? WtH??? Not many actual miles away, either?? wow
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2018
    catdad49 and kidcampbell71 like this.
  8. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,279


    ok, text with pics..
    There she is, the Star, one flat front tire, slow leak at brass stem thingy, add air, then gas, then de-tarp it...and go!

    Ok, walking the ENTIRE trip First! No money in pocket! that would mess up my DRIVE to get er done! I need to go all the way around that big lot, to the far left! Ok?...then at the corner, turn 90 to the right, head down the RR track bed headed North!

    Boy, it's been years since local boy Nick found a way down there with a Dodge 4x4, but he followed a quad & tractor trail my kid blazed about 10 years ago! It looked iffy by here...but I kept walking a path...the best chance path..

    look at dead center of pic up that bank, that is the tail end of my big shop building, where I was.. I am at the closest fence corner here... looking back up the bank that was way too much side-hilling for anything like the Star! but I kept going... it IS way steeper that it looks here!

    ok, the far left corner, looking due north where I need to GO!! looks wide enough! 5 feet, or a bit less..

    actual trip pic here! I simply could NOT stop due to it was just too iffy to get it going again! I was thinking it was all a go from here... SEE my shop roof "side" through that fence right above radiator cap thermometer..Gloves are frozen a bit as wheel was COLD..I took them off to do the pic button..stiff pinkys!

    Shit, there is the corner down that long fence that I thought would get me to the Oil Co lot! No way!! Kepp walking..

    Deer was just here, digging for eats or sniffing for something to eat! FREASH tracks in sorta decent snowing..

    can't see it well, but 4x4 truck tracks on the private road that leads to a camp area on the river..

    tried to get a pic of that sailboat...more dreamers that don't make the time to use stuff...COVERED with mold!! old water green stains...$$$ wasted to store it there for years!!

    can you see a fuzzy view of a building roof way down that private acess road that has a locked gate onto Depot road? That IS the old brick Train Station, now sold and is used by a family! COOLio!! this is the wistle spot I hear at my home!

    oh chit, there is the very old, old! dirt path road leading up to what is now the oil company! really IFFY as it is a uphill and uneven!! Keep walking!!..

    ok, If I could hammer the Star uphill to here.... I think I got it made!... No idea if there is another gate?..keep walking...see way way ahead for the Company roof? That is where the Star just gave up TONS of steaming!! Belt was slipping so much as I HAD to stay hi rpms!! I could upshift easy, but it was too fast to steer...the steering is MINT, but the tires need to slice the snow, as there are NO tracks or old tire ruts!!

    ok you already saw the Star at that place, I did get permission to park it there till after the storm!! I knew there was NO way she could get up that bank at my shop end area! But I fired it to park it there...screw it, the road was so snowed over, I went down the middle of the State rt 32!! Just like the fast snowmobiles do on midnights at a huge snow!! That is our place...I said this is just too cool, so I went past it...headed South Baby!! lol..lovin it!!

    looking back north to where I just came from, I went way down to my neighbors other driveway, then went around their circle drive behind their house.. oh yea, the siren died since iusing it for the Oil Gal!! but I gave that hand op ahooga a work out, stopped as I went onto my lawn..let it idle while I was BS in their home...we were all LOL;; crazy!! He could not believe where I went...he has lived here since 63 and said "no way!: I said let's go again!! LOL.. what fun!! I needed this trip soooo much..leeee!! I mean that! I had a pic taken as I was right in the middle of 32! Not sure where it went lol..

    100_2401.JPG 100_2402.JPG last..idiot me... and last pic from tracks from neighbors..ok..bye/../ hope you are inspired to grab life when you can...I mean that so happy.. Oh, no wallet, as my driver permit expired on my No, but they would not pull me over, I am they are good fun loving people like we all can be...... especially in a case like this..with absolutely no others on the roads at danger done..

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  9. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,279


    oh yea, I found the Roadin It Pic!! CRUZIN Down the CENTER of CT Rt 32, headed South.. my house is next one on left, after the yellow cape... it was going smooooth. baby. Hey, I had my thin camera in left pants pocket, needed to stretch that leg out strain=ght to get iced cold hand to get the freakin lower leg now goes through the non installed floor! lol, It must have almost had my shoe looking like Fred Flintstone Drive!! I was laughing so hard at that point!! I just don't care who hears me or sees this chit!! I am sure they heard the Star!! LOL!!

    where's the heated seats? wiper sucks!! Owwwwiee tummy again.. bye, I MUST make that STEW soon...dammit!!
    biggeorge, catdad49 and kidcampbell71 like this.
  10. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,279


    last post I hope, for a long time, need a I have to tell you all...that I do have lyme in my brain... it is not being dampened by the "standard" meds ...My son knew they would not...he has heavy experience with Long Term hidden Lymes, since he was an honest to goodness "home health care helper" as a teenager job!!..for an entire family that had it for a LONG duration, unfortunately! One child ended up with some self injecting thing on his arm, it may have fixed him, as he is seemingly Ok now, but his Dad, Mom, are not really getting there...yet?.. And one more person he just met, a town next to us...same thing, but yet another type or strain of Lyme! will be on different meds forever!! Ok, I know I have it, as I and my Son, are giving special notice to "things" I do, say, or find out that I actually changed things I heard or said!!! Pretty scary if you ever go through this, but I am fine SO far! "so far" are the key words, Ok? I was to meet with MY best ever Lyme DR today, but this storm made for the 8th as next meeting..and I will be able to get My Physiatrist from Natchaug that WAS THE FIRST DANG person to prove I have it! He can work with my medical Dr to sort out my "brain skips" as to their importance or not!! Guys, don't buy shit news BS..this disease is Man Made! ask ones who are near where it came ashore from the evil island off our coast..not saying which country was the "seeds" way way back, ok? See ya. I will give it a good go, if not, I am still good to go!
    biggeorge, catdad49 and Hnstray like this.
  11. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
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    already got the ball rolling.. I just got a call in to the son of that oil company, his Dad got called away as he was getting to the story of one of his drivers that had to be rushed to the hospital for a Lyme attack and I thought it was he went a bit "off" behind the wheel, but I need to find out if I am wrong on that, maybe it was just sudden headache pains? instead,. If it was more involved?, then hook up that drivers medical info with my Dr's!! Ok, I ain't all dumb...I will keep at this OK? bye, I will update if I hear some good news on me, after better meds, or the correct meds..

    Edit...Hey, I just switched Avatar photo to my Star Doodlebug... it took 3 rockin weeks to build that thing by using my choices of so many components from friend Kenny, as well as what I had here, adding fun things I had for decades!... I had a LOT of fun playing "where's Waldo" at Ken's place, trying to find certain things that were misplaced in HIS lifelong hobby cleanup, then the total blast to see it come to life so is pure fun to use! I cannot believe I spent, or actually wasted so many years working on rough cars and trucks...for what??.. The Star is pure fun and NOt a lifelong torture with my sketchy funding!! The LaSalle may never get touched again, but the 1932 Nash will be "up Next" come spring! Bye for now, it is toooo darned cold in my tattered old drafty shop! Down to 15F yesterday INSIDE of there!! and why bother trying to work in there till spring, wasting pricey heating oil!

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    Last edited: Jan 5, 2018
  12. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
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    I have no clue about what I will ever finish sat this point, too much to find out about with my condition. I just do not have any interest in things I once did for decades.. Just being honest is all. I know I did some reset of my subconscious daytime actions! I found a series of videos recently that actually shows my eb=ntire 2017 journey that changed me forever!

    I did figure out my broken down VW wagon todayb as it finally got warm for a day oir so to come. It was so simple, 3 minutes with clear thinking, sheesh..then so friggen happy to have it back, I went out Fn around , did the dam trip and sitting with the regular lunch people there, some donuts in the empty lot from getting there early! LOL. then going to the shop of a local club, getting nice hugs from the Goddess! 35 yr old Nurse.. Not one of the ones from my places.

    then back home...too dang NICE to work! oh dear...the... DOODLEBUG!! Dayum that thing will go anywhere, NO weight in that big trunk either!! Why lay under some lifer project, in a dark shop???

    Enjoying life I guess... Had a LOT of fun.. I am even more disconnected from the decades of living like a mole in any shop I had, or have now. I can follow the river and RR all the way South for a LONG way!! visiting as I drive.. No kidding..miles of places.. My kid knows them all from his teen Quad years.

    one pic below has yellow lines showing how I went down that steep bank to get to the oil place in the storm,.. I decided I'd just go somewhere made it..again. 3 weeks to build this thing, not another lifer project...

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  13. catdad49
    Joined: Sep 25, 2005
    Posts: 6,741


    Blazin' trails as always! Hope you get the health issues taken care of. Priority #1, then you can concentrate on cuttin' loose and Cutie Hugs. Glad to hear about the VW. Had an old rotten '74 Bug as a winter vehicle for a couple of years and one of my buddies at worked asked if I still had it. Said, "Yessir, it may not be pretty, but it'll get me where I want to go! It finally got so bad that I had to give it up, but it still ran like a top. Later, Carp
  14. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,279


    Yes, the heath thing... I did stop at my Drs yesterday to get my girls help AGAIN, to get the old records from the distant hospital I used on the first ever Lyme sickness ... I just documented by searching C/L ad notification emails, and other web data, exactly when I was forced to stop selling at swaps, as I went ripshit at any M,F.r that pushed my buttons! It got so bad, I had to stop going!

    Ok, I know the first one was when I was selling what looked like a modern version, channeled pickup. One old dick, some short F'r sees the WELL defined! sign that says FIRM! < like that with the exclamation mark! Ok, this clam says he is a big time dealer,..(F..,,k you, why would you buy a non runner as a "big dealer"?) So, he says or starts to say "I'll give you..." Oh boy, I went so loud the whole place heard me, people stopped walking down that isle! I said listen you F.......ER, you are saying the GUY that built the frame, chopped the top, did the motor trans front and rear build, IS NOT WORTH what he says? HUH, DOUCHEBAG??.. Oh I was Smoking hot. I had my fill of being judged my whole fn life, like all last year, warning people to NOT push me!

    Assholes that come to my shop to continually F with me??,, oh boy c....s...kers, up against the f'n wall..literally!! BUT, no more!!!..I am banning as we speak, Those People look like PURE dog shit, as they are NOW in 2018, my NEW life year, compared to the thousands of Great people I know! Screw you'se that made me shitcan YOU'se!!! You stressed me WAY too much! I say it once, and if you show up, Troop C gets called, trespassing!! there AHs.

    you can't let people ruin your health!! They DID make me worse!!. so F.....K YOU! you f'n try me!!

    Ok, I went to my girls yesterday to get the paper I needed to fill out to transfer those first lyme attack DATES!! I need ONLY the year, and if I got the first lyme before that first Wildman fit, then I may be in deep stuff, as it has been eating my brain too long..maybe... BUT if like my kid said just two nights ago, he said he saw every thing I did, and said to that asswipe 'big dealer", and he says NO, that was the normal Dad!! LMFAO!!! I am serious! he claims he has studied me, recalled all the bad 2017 rips at people including himself FOUR times before the holidays..(he had it coming, and is back as a Great! son now!)..he claims the 2017 events are way "too different".. So If that first lyme was after that first screaming event in 2010 swap, then my son MUST be correct.. Then things would be a so much better promise for full stopping of brain damage!...but hey, Lyme is always in any victim, they are starting to admit that..well some are, not the majority!

    I am VERY sorry to the entire staff of hamb if you want & NEED to "poof" my whole post or the entire 18 page thread here, but I HAVE to get VERY explicit here, to keep people from making my health much worse, Ok? Thanks please, for that understanding? Bye
    MyCrustyVW and vtwhead like this.
  15. catdad49
    Joined: Sep 25, 2005
    Posts: 6,741


    Last place I worked was not the greatest as far as the stuff you had to put up with from others. Before I realized, I was the one changing and Not for the Better. So time for a little chat with oneself, needless to say I made it until I could retire (at 66). It wasn't all Roses and some faced my Wrath ( most often than not I was in the Right), usually supervisors who thought they could bully their way along. WRoNG, Look if we have a problem lets go up front and talk to the bigger cheese. Usually, that ended the episode and back to the real job for me. Frank, no matter what happens, I wish you the Best.
  16. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,279


    Ok guys and gals...bless the fact I had a place 2 hours ago to "talk that out".!!! I have not had good sleep, so I laid down at 7pm, but awoke wide awake after 1-3/4 hours... WITH >>> Now I know my son was right!! That was NOT an earlier Lyme attack!!

    Let me tell you why I now know!!! That Fucker already pissed me off and I was on him, but not too bad LMAO, then the cocksucker really fucked up,thinking he could "get through" to Flaming Frank by.......try to buy me!! Jackass says as I was roasting him....",,,But I'm THE GUY with the MONEY"...Oh Fuck, I went berserk!! Mother fucker thinks money, even if LESS can buy ME?? Oh no no no no....

    So If I had not had a place to write that stuff out 2 hours ago...I would still be powerless to know if it was Lyme!!, I am gonna be fine!! LOL..I know that attitude about being able to buy me is why I went to the moon! that stuff really gets me, but no more! I can just tell them to "stuff it" right up front, or better yet, I seem to be able to avoid these people altogether!! I am fine!!

    Oh, you will F'n LOVE this one.... Ok, That was one of two meets per year at Stafford Motor Speedway..anyways, he, and the fact that the crowd there loved that truck.,,,economy down? ... just came home!! no sale! So...wait for it.... I put it on C/L maybe 6? months later...List the town as "Mansfield". Ok, I get lots of hits, then... guessed it...Yep, it is "Mr. asswipe big pants"...the douche thinks it means Mansfield, Massachusetts.. and this tool is from up there! Oh, I play him along a while...I recognized his irritating self. LOL, oh, then I whacked him so f'n hard when he least expected it!! Like waiting for him to list all the wonders of himself.. then Frankie says..."". oh...remember me?""...."".the nice guy at the track.""..Oh shit,... my tummy...that WAS fun that day, that call.....oooowwchhh..

    "I bees ok" guys and gals...lets Rock!! Yea!
  17. Frank. I have enjoyed your LaSalle and Cord posts immensely ! Do you need a Cord service bulletins manual ? I have a reprint Ill send you as a gift ! Small consolation or the information you have provided for the build of my 1935 Oldsmobile I am cobbling together from a pile of five 1935-36 cars. Let me know please ! AHDIII
  18. Studio, sent you a pm.
  19. Frank, I am glad to see that you are still with us, even though Lyme disease is no picnic. I miss going to your place to shoot the shit with you, but now I live in Pennsylvania, and it makes it a long commute. Keep up the good work, and don't worry about offending the asshole. They deserve it. nick.
    F&J likes this.
  20. adam401
    Joined: Dec 27, 2007
    Posts: 2,962


    The doodlebug and the squareback are sick!!!
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  21. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,279



    HI Guys And Gals... I just had to get on this thread this moment with crazy news of the above "topmost" photo that Bob (37 Kid) found at a western CT fleamarket called the "Elephant's Trunk", and sent it to me at no cost in 2017 !! You will Chit to know where... and what year it was taken! Both photos show two different 34 LaS convs...BOTH taken on opposite coasts of our! The East coast one is Maine, the top one at Pebble Beach! I just talked with the driver in that pic just now for one hour!! he is 79 years maybe I WILL have enough years to finish mine and the 32 Nash conv

    He was 16 years old that day, he bought the car in a Cal junkyard at age 14, for I think SEVEN Dollars!! We will be exchanging more info very soon! More of his story of that purchase, and YES, he still owns it! It was purple he chose from a 1956? Dodge color in that pic, next year, he had painted it back to the original pale yellow that mine was when new!

    He tracked me down from this hamb thread and because I have my phone number right here, he simply gave me a call as soon as he saw HIS car! He does NOT have that photo, nor has no idea who took it, or how it ended up in CT! I will get a good copy made at his request.. Thanks again to Bob In CT!!

    Hey, I got hit really bad a week ago with the freak heavy wet snow, my damages here are 10 times more that the 2013 EF1 Tornado that hit my place! I just got the big shop power hooked up today! A huge tree sized limb sliced the entire front face of the big shop, sheared the dedicated 200 AMP service wires right off, then more limbs sheared the wires to the top barn as well.. We are on a main State road, but were out for 1.5 days! I did hang all the wires back up to the proper locations before the power came on. I am not too crazy enough to handle the disconnected wire ends that needed to be re-clamped back on, as I have no fiberglass ladder! I knew the power would not be coming back on that moment, as I know how the line crews pull the pole breakers before firing the main line, and that had not been done yet...but I just was not feelin it! LOL, so I refrained! he he..

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    My brain damage is getting better each week..some parts of my brain are now being retrained I think? I did get ANOTHER tick bite that was also infected! But I don't do appointments! I went in the 32, on a Monday morning at 8am, and "my girls" came to the rescue once again! The Doctor that saved me got me on a new instant treatment of two pills ASAP, and that gives 80% chance it will stop it.. This is a serious situation here, I keep running into people that insist they have friends/relatives that "must" have Lyme, but cannot get a Doctor to properly test them!

    oh, I happened by a Colonial Hero's monument today, and stuffed the wagon into the unplowed driveway for a pic of Old Glory, a bit tattered, but looking good in the stiff winds!
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  22. Hnstray
    Joined: Aug 23, 2009
    Posts: 12,355

    from Quincy, IL

    Good to hear from you Frank!

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  23. F&J likes this.
  24. Frank, what a mess, feel your pain. We got hammered hard with 20 to 36 in the area albeit that we are protected here by the west mountain range and only received 8. What a relief. Hang in there, spring is coming quickly they say.:)
    F&J likes this.
  25. catdad49
    Joined: Sep 25, 2005
    Posts: 6,741


    Frank, great to see that you are back! Those Heavy snows are no joke, I don't miss that at all. Love the LaSalle story, Carp.
    F&J likes this.
  26. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,279


    Thanks for the genuine "welcome backs"..Friends! Hey, I can't really extend this LaS thread at this point in time, as I am going full blast on a complete makeover of my home....after 10 years of never even unpacking many things brought here in the brutally cold winter of '07-'08, I simply want a nice place to spend my time, and have a great "eclectic" / interesting place to share with visitors.

    BUT!, the 34 LaS conv and the 32 Nash conv sedan will hopefully see the road once again, however, it won't be me alone doing ALL the work needed from now onwards. I have a great friend who is an incredibly talented 20 year old body/fab guy who has offered his talents as sidework type income, to get my cars back in shape.

    The only muscle car I had owned presently, "bought it in 2006 for immediate resale back then" was sold in a 5 minute transaction last month, a 52 year old stranger pulled in my lot, asking about "do you have any vintage cars for sale?"...and BAM, it was a done deal. He did not even want to hear it run, or lot-drive it! .,..nor even jack it up to look under it!... It was the 69 Dart 340 six pack conv 4 speed car. That gave much needed elbow-room space in the "LaSalle Room" part of my biggest building....and provided the much needed funds to start the fix up of the interior of my home. I kept that car for 12 years, thinking that my son would get it useable for him to use, but I finally knew it was just plain silly to keep storing it and seeing it get worse from increasing mice damage.

    Ok, I am trying the antiques/collectable "resale market" right now, and have the first buyer showing up late morning today, for a look at TONS of architectural Iron/Steel things I just acquired. I have most of this purchase stored in my upper barn...but some is still outside right now. I will be saving some select things for the exterior of my home. I am adding a narrow deck ON MY ROOF! ...using an idea I got from an elderly woman named "Andy" in my town...she found a sweet antique fancy spiral staircase that she added to the outside of her place, and had a "widows walk" deck built on her roof! Her place here in this pic: (her outside spiral staircase is hiding here, located between the original house, and the right side square looking addition.,, I took this pic at dusk yesterday)
    I did get a industrial spiral staircase in this very huge purchase I just did last weekend! I also got a 3-1/2 foot square stainless steel fire pit on cast iron claw feet which is going up on my roof deck, along with fancy brass/steel railings I now have. Cookouts with friends on my

    Ok, so if some work gets going on the 34 LaSalle this summer, then I will try to add some posts here. I may add posts to my 1932 Ford thread as time permits..,,but that car is now still in the workbay for minor fuel pump /oil leak repairs that were stalled due to having no electrical power since the damages here. I sure DO miss driving the 32 as my primary daily driver! I have put tons of miles on it in just a couple of months. I did run my lathe and milling machine yesterday to make a new part for a friends commercial tow-behind wood chipper... it felt good to run my machines again!

    The 32 Ford hotrod is quite well known in my town, and in the city of Willimantic AND the UConn campus! The college people are so very friendly, and are from so many parts of the world that I will never get to see,...but I sure am getting to know their lands from talking with them all! Also, by driving a daily hotrod, people come up to me telling of hotrods that they or their Dads are building locally!!! I am talking LOTS of local rods!! Things are really changing for the better in the hotrod scene here!

    see ya...later.. :)
  27. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,279


    I put this pic up on my 32 thread before, but adding it here as it is the shop owner Jason that is coming here today...and I really love this pic that Jamie had printed for their counter display at their WILD shop called "The Rusty Relic",and one print for my wall.. :)... They travel a lot to Pennsylvania to the same area where "Nickthebandit" just moved to...buying locally made crafts and "faux flowers" that are so cool...Their home is very near me in Mansfield Ct... Jamie wanted to stall till Monday when she had the spare time to come, but was bummed out when I told her I won't let her in my unfinisherd home yet! She will flip when the wild kitchen is will be off the wall1 I hired a local young female artist to do up some female art deco/Parrish type sketches that will be transferred with hand tooling to copper painted metal sheeting inset into my upper kitchen cabinet doors! See the 2nd/3rd pics for a sample of that tooling on "female images"..that brass thing is called "trench art" made on Ammo Shell Casings by soldiers!
    100_2955.JPG 100_2956.JPG lie, I meet a thousand new people per month and I know all of the antique shop owners in nearby Coventry Ct where this place is.. Two of the oldest/well established shop owners have said to me "you sure do have good tastes" as I selected certain things for my interior décor ! I always did!!
    Cosmo49, Stogy, kidcampbell71 and 5 others like this.
  28. Stogy
    Joined: Feb 10, 2007
    Posts: 26,842


    @F&J...this Birthday wish will be waiting for your next chime in...;)

    Hope all is well...Someone mentioned you were working on a this that project?...we would love to know what you're up to...hope to hear from you soon...hope Ole Bluey is up and running again...such an awesome Hotrod...Cheers Mate!
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2023

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