Started to assess the right fender some today. Replacing all of the metal related to mounting this fender since most of it is shot and the weight these bolt holes carry is tremendous. Last thing I need is this to give way in the long run. I don’t think I did too bad with this piece so far. Still needs metal cut and welds ground down but intend to attach it to the fender tomorrow. Also ordered transmission gaskets, drive chain gaskets, and motor mounts today so as soon as those come in I can finish what needs done to the transmission. I can then install the transmission soon. Looking forward to finishing all this because the cab can be mounted back on after I get all that figured out. The Cab mounts are already made thanks to my dad taking time out to cut new wood mounts the other day.
Replacing the whole mounting lip on the right fender and should be finishing that up today Did this yesterday just forgot to take photos I’ll have to make all the pieces uniform and grind down all the welds but just getting the replacement in place right now What’s left to do
Finished the inside mounting lip today. I’ll have to do the back lip where the step-up attaches to another day
The paint (primer) is taking a while to get here and with the extra time on my hand I decided to do the door jams and this one is turning out quite well. With only a few spots needing more touch up work I decided to show you all.
Found these photos of the metal fabrication work my dad had done. I knew I should give him the recognition he deserves so here it is. This seems like forever now. Much still needs done but proud of what’s been done so far We learned after this that the 18 gauge we were using would be almost impossible to keep using for the rest of the project as it was very hard to bend. We decided 16 would work good for the rest and that’s what I’ve been using but this piece is 18 therefore seeming like it should hold up for a very long time
While I wasn’t planning to do this today I squeezed it in last second. This is starting to fabricate new metal for the step Up and ends up being a big portion of it. I have a few questions as well if you wouldn’t mind replying to it below. Here’s what I started with First I wire brushed it down by hand then secondly with a power drill. The whole top lip I intended to replace so I didn’t bother with brushing it. I started with the mount pieces below. These were quite hard to make just for the simple fact that my bender is large and these bends were so close to each other I then drilled the spot welds on one to see what I was really dealing with underneath. I wire brushed it after and it came clean Next I cut the top off Next I flattened this piece, of what is left of it, so I could make a template to cut the new one. Lastly I cut the piece out and started bending and molding it and this is what I ended up with
So before I plan to weld these mount pieces underneath I’d like to put a paint on the metal to protect it underneath but as I weld the weld will heat the metal and therefore peel the paint. Is there a weld able paint that I can use underneath? Last question regards this impression in the metal I have it marked for the new piece but since I don’t have a roller to put this into the metal is there another way to put it in? No one will see it and I probably won’t bother with it but just as future reference or if I decide to do it how would I?
New motor mount came in the mail today along with gaskets to seal up the coupling shaft and more. Transmission gaskets somehow missed the order. Got that worked out and they’re on order and should be here Saturday.
Chris, there's something called weld-thru primer that you can use to prep metal before you weld it. Some people like it, others don't, I'm sure some others will chime in on that. For that bead, you can form it with a hammer form. Somewhere around here I recall a thread where someone formed the beads on their floor panels that way...
I haven’t posted recently due to heavy amounts of school work and chores to do around the house and found myself having plenty of time and while I didn’t get done neirly what I intended to I cleaned up the bell housing and a lot of surfaces to make clean for the gaskets I ordered. Also assessed many bolts to order new. The old bolts are useable but it never hurts to get new that aren’t rusty when they’re cheap, plus it adds a better look. Details, details, details. Hoping to paint the transmission, last bit of the frame, and many other little parts so I can be one more step to mounting the cab again.
Today was mostly spent doing some final cleaning and prep to parts before paint. While it may not seem like it, a ton of time was spent taping and masking off the parts for paint. After everything was prepped for paint I put one layer on everything and will apply more to the transmission when the paint cures. It’s good to see the transformation of this transmission and how much cleaning has paid off. It wasn’t perfect but still very improved ]
Next step is to drain the radiator to got get repaired and I can start to clean up this engine. Enter engine is cleaned and painted the drive chain can be put back together
The engine is mostly disassembled and I’ll start cleaning it and preparing it next. A lot needs done to make this ready for paint.
Planning to keep it original unless we find something detrimentally wrong with them. I’ve gone through the front and back-right. We’re for sure going to replace the shoes when we find them online somewhere. My dad just got laid off this week so chances are we’ll be buying less. Hopefully project can continue and finish up well in time.
Started to clean the engine today. First I enclosed the area for some sand blasting and taped off all the engine ports. Here’s how it looked before This is starting to be after. I need to degrease the oil pan and other areas but it’s a start. Didn’t fully get to right side. I’ll continue more later. Also wondering if there’s a way to get this pulley off without the engine turning or only with the transmission installed?
Started to clean some of the axel components as before I really messed up and just painted over grime. Big mistake, now I know to clean them well before to get a good finish. Here’s how this turned out Before
Got the transmission bolted up so I could get the hoist off the engine. Today was going to be my paint day but somehow forgot all about the area under the hoist. I degreased it today and got it relatively clean and I’ll sand blast again tomorrow, last time before painting
Sprayed some vinegar on it and then set up my makeshift sandblasting booth to keep sand from going all over the barn. Also taped off the transmission to protect it as I just painted it a few days ago.
Isn’t it crazy what a little bit of cleaning can do??? Here’s the pedal assembly before. I will probably rebuild this mechanism as it has some play but still “playing” around with the idea [emoji23]. I crack myself up... This is after I used a putty knife to get all the gunk chunks off Crazy how much came off! Here’s after some degreaser and a wire wheel Thinking of shinning this all up, polishing it, and clear coating it. Paint it or go for a chrome type look?