The axle in the pic seems to be a 1936 Ford front axle. There are however some funny things about it that I cant work out. The king and perch pin widths tell me its a 36. The perch boss is 2 inches which tells me its a 36. Its wishbone has the spring out front which started from 35 I believe. The Ford logo is on one side of the axle so no question that its Ford. The strange parts are the 2 holes each side which are in a factory raised section of the axle. The king pin area is a flat tube with no raised parts top and bottom which I would expect. Anyone seen anything like this before?
Thank you Manager. It does look to be that. I just found this video where you can see the same. So it seems I get a 1936 Ford axle that is at least 10 years younger than its north American cousin.
There are no markings around any of the 4 holes so nothing seems to have mounted there so they must be speed holes.
The OP is in Australia and the language for the intro to the video looks to be from a Nordic country to me. Seems unlikely two cars that far apart would have the same exact holes in their axles.
I think the Pilot was fitted with a front sway bar or whatever they are known as, so it may have been mounted to the front axle at the drilled points