I have found a set of four full disc hub caps for a '36 Ford V8. Just curious if these are correct for other years and if they have been reproduced. These look to be new or maybe reproduction? Not a Ford person so would like to know before I list them.
Make sure all four of those spider caps have the V8 either stamped in or pressed out and therefore are a true SET. There was a group of four spider caps on here some time ago that was 3 and 1, that being 36 and 37.
I just checked and all four are indented with the V8. Never did get a response as to whether these have been reproduced.
here's a set that is the same only different I saw on a woodie a while back. don't know anything about them, these were on spoke wheels. look at the V8 in the center. these might be earlier ??? not an early Ford V8 specialist.
WHat you have illustrated here is a wheel cover for 35 Ford wire wheels, see the spokes through the slots? The hub cap is a stock 35 holding the spoke/wheel cover in place.
Did some further research and find that Bill Hirsch Auto has them for $165 each and they are listed for '36 Fords only. http://www.hirschauto.com/products.asp?dept=39 I guess I will put my set on Ebay and see what they will bring.
These Accessory Hubcaps are correct as described in the heading for 1936 Fords. They are correct only for the 1936 Fords, as the V8 Symbol & Ring are recessed. They do not fit any 1935 Ford, which had a Wire Wheel & small Hubcap. The exact same pattern of V8 symbol with the Ring was used for the 1937 Fords, but these areas were "raised" & not "recessed". Then, for 1938, a totally redesigned Spyder Hubcap was offered as an accessory. While Ford Motor Company redesigned the Regular Hubcaps on the 1939 Fords, (both the Standard & Deluxe are different) they never did update the Spyder Hubcap for 1939, but used over the "carry-over" 1938 Spyder Hubcaps on the 1939 Fords. That means that there are 3 different Spyder Hubcaps.