I have a 1936 Ford coupe seat. I would like to hinge the back rest so I can access the rear area. It is a 1936 Ford Cabriolet with a rumble seat area. The battery is behind the seat, so I am looking to get a better access to it. If you could send pics that would be great also. If you want you can send them to my phone or here, my phone number is 813-997-0443 and I am in the Ocala area in Florida. Thanks ahead of time, Ron
All 1936 Ford Coupe seats were hinged to pull up and access the rear area from the factory. It sounds like you may have something else. 35's were not hinged and were slightly taller. The system they used was very basic, literally just a couple simple hinges. Here is a link to some detailed photos on the Ford Barn site, since the keyboard is currently much closer than my shop. If you need other photos, let me know and I will go down there and take some. Mine is in the car, so not sure I could get more detailed photos than the ones in the link, but let me know: 1936 Ford coupe seat back hinges - The Ford Barn
Thanks, Looks like I have a 1935 coupe seat. Would any body have the hold up catch to hold the back up and possibly the hinges also. Thanks. Ron
Here's a pic of the hinges andseat lift arm (or whatever the correct name of it is) from my '36 coupe. The seats in your '35 should be the same, so adding them would be easy. I'll be putting mine in soon and would gladly send pics and/or measurements of how they mount. The hinges & arm fastener are available, not sure ablut the arm. I have an original, extra one that's painted black, if you're interested - shoot me a PM, if so. https://www.flickr.com/gp/152439473@N07/0wg8j7Y07D
Hi Ron, I have a 36 coupe seat in my rumble seat 35 cabriolet, photo below is an older one, it uses the same bracket that TagMan mentions. The space behind the seat is great for the battery, tools, etc.
A '35 seat back has an arch to the top; while a '36 is straight, might have to take that into consideration when setting up your hinges.