When I get moldings and glossy paint on this one, it will hopefully meet the requirements JB is asking for here? <iframe src="https://www.flickr.com/photos/101906403@N07/11455377685/player/790311581e" height="427" width="640" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>
I want to respect J.B.'s focus for this thread. My '40 is most certainly not an Old Style Kustom in all its details, and it's been extensively covered in its own thread. Its body modifications have been done with a very long look back at the Ralph Jilek/Valley Customs '40 convertible, though, and perhaps it's reasonable to compare them in this thread. The Jilek car wasn't a typical '48-52 car, either, although it was built in 1948. Valley Custom established their own style, which some found refreshingly different, and I've tried to use some of their ideas together with some of my own: Jilek's '40 Mine My car isn't as severely sectioned or chopped as Jilek's, the stance is from a later era, and we've taken a very different direction with the grille and the top. It'll be interesting to compare them again when mine is more nearly finished.
^^I remember seeing this when you were first starting it, but had not seen the progress since then. That's pretty exciting to see. I've always liked how you've managed to make radical look subtle (like the chop on your old '36...or the phantom Vicky...or the...) Looks like this is going to be another cool one.
did some mechanical work on my 50 today. but most importantly mounted my rocker trim and heaved the 78 Camaro mirrors and mounted the dummy spots. wont be getting rid of the shitty tail lights till I start re-doing the car. but its now ready for spring. going to get a couple more seasons out of it before the tear down begins. (sorry for the shitty cell pics, don't have a good camera at the shop!)
This style has definitely become my favorite. Does anyone know if putting the tail lights in the bumper guards results in more rear end collisions from lack of visibility?
Oh boy, haven't seen this old thread up for a while! You mean if there are any statistics that show this? Never heard of any accidents because of this. The original lights is not very bright or sitting high on these cars from the beginning, so I guess they work fine. Check out the nice bumper tail lights on Palles amazing 1947 Cadillac. Pic by Rik Hoving
I spent all weekend convincing myself that I was just sort of over this whole '49-'55 kustom thing and even started scanning Craigslist for a nice '64-65 midsize car with a 4-speed. Then I sat down at my computer today (Monday morning) and decided to kill some time on the HAMB. I see this photo and literally went "Oh yeah, THAT'S why I still have a '51 coupe in pieces all over my shop!" I'm building it in a very similar style, mild chop and all. Thanks for reminding me of what I love. It's worth all the work in the long run.
I know man! Sometimes I just get discouraged because I have so little free time these days. This thread renews my commitment. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
New build...except I've been doing it for over 10 years! http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/47-chevy-custom-build-thread.933720/
You really have done some great work on that Chevy. Would love to see it with a little higher front end. I guess the inspration has something to do with the Highschool Confidential movie...
Here's my 50 Dodge. Hope she looks totally different next spring Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
John, your car is a constant reminder to me that the details really make (or break) the car. Anyone who has seen the photos of your car when you bought it knows what I mean! Love that Chevy. Any photos of the front or rear?
Don't know if a car built in 82 qualifies as a New Old Kustom but if you ignore the Radials & 57 Caddy hubcaps, I think I've succeeded.
Since this tread is about 1948-52 New old Kustoms we'll have to ignore the lake pipes too, but even if we do, those type of flames have been created later by Larry Watson , so sorry,no, your Merc don't qualify . It's more the idea of a 50's kustom back in the 80's....a pretty nice Merc and nice flaming anyway
I'm with you, Zed. Hate being some kind of police, but if the thread is dedicated to a certain style, then please stick to it. If you do not know what style your car is, please ask someone who knows such things. And do not post in the threads to ask if your car has the style or not. Dear Slopok, 1982 is definately "new" and therefore correct in the meaning of this thread, but there are a lot of things that are not in the style that this thread is about. The 1957 caps and radials, as you mentioned, the lake pipes and flame job, like Zed says and also the dummy spots and chrome headlamp covers is not up this alley either, sorry. But you have a very nice car there, no matter the style you are after. Enjoy it! An easy way to find out what the thread is about is to check out the initial post. Unfortunately, some pics are missing after the 4 years the thread has been in existence. But the text is still there in post 1. The pics of Kevan Sledge's wonderful 1940 Merc is missing, but has now actually been painted which I asked for in that very first thread post.
Time for me to play devil's advocate: The Ernst Chevy had the chrome headlight covers when first built! And spotlights, although they were real-deal and I have no idea when dummies became available. In any case, it's a beautiful Merc most of us would love to own even if it's not quite the build era for this thread.
I stand corrected in the case of the half moons. Can't remember seing that or a connie kit on many kustoms of the day, though. But they existed. Spotlights yes, dummies no. As I said, it's a nice looking car that most people only can dream about. But for this thread it's not what it's about.