Close but no cigar. In some parts it looks like a late 40's kustom, in others it doesnt. And when you look at same car from the rear, some details is far from how they built kustoms 1948-52 (please notice, this is not to bash the car, its just dont answer on what J.B. asks for...)
I ain't talking about those kinda leaks, I didn't even mention leaks my friend. Congrats BTW, I've logged many miles in these conditions. What I am reffering to is the bath that you get when opening a door on a car with no rails when it's raining like a tall cow pissing on a flat rock. With the universally hated drip rails at least you don't get a gulley washer down the back of your neck when alighting from the vehicle. How ya been? Ain't seen you since Santa Maria 08, we are gonna make GNRS, hope to see you there. BB
Hey, you even has a sunk in license plate A great thread for sure, it has been a little drip rail madness here lately, but it is fun to learn and observe. We are not bashing any cars here, but building a time correct 1948 - 52 kustom ain't easy, and if you dare to post your own car here you must accept that people are looking at all the details! Keep them cars coming
bashing? this is one of the most polite threads i've seen so more cars please. ...and on driprails...if Barris and others would have lived i Holland and not in sunny, almost rainfree So-Cal...i think they would not have gotten rid of them. As the above mentioned bath happens here, even if you have them.
Apologies to J.B. for getting this fine topic sidetracked a bit too much on rain gutters, but the fact is that when you are talking about kustoms from this particular time period, then most all of the primary examples are likely to be missing their drip rails. At that point in time the focus of "kustom" was on smoothing and cleaning up the shape of the car as much as possible, so off they came. Had these guys been from Michigan or Norway, then sure, the disfunctionality of this mod may have played a bigger role, but that just isn't the way it went down. So, if you are looking at this time period when styling your kustom, then you will probably be deleting them as well, because that is what looks most authentic. Please note that I am NOT putting forth my car as a correct example of this time period. Aside from the much more modern mechanicals under it, the outside of it includes many parts from cars up to 1956. I only put up the picture in response to the remark about keeping drip rails means that the car is a 'driver'. (and Bob, I know you probably put more rain miles on your custom than I do on my daily driver & my hat is off to you sir. I'll look for you at Pomona).
Makes me happy to read the posts here. Finally a thread that is polite and shows respect to both people that don't know so much and actually shows respect to the ones that DO KNOW what the thread is about. This is not an "Awesome!" or "Rad, dude"-thread. This is what some of us live for and on this board there are so many wonderful people that many times get bashed for not screaming louder than the idiot who just wants to win an internet fight. The smart person backs out since the guy yelling is already a lost case. I'm not a moderator, so we just have to use our common sense and have a positive approach to this. Even if this isn't a controversial thread, it don't really approve 100% to the "to each his own"-theme when it comes down to things that is not accurate. But don't get stuck with a 100% period correct build. '57 hubcaps and '55 sidetrim is not at all 1948-52. Not the fake spotlights from the later custom period either. I also put in a big plus if you have the period driveline and axles. But a 6 volt generator rebuilt to 12 volts works for me. Sorry for my off-topic post here. There must be many more examples than these cars. The same cars keeps popping up. New pics and cars please!!! Donn Lowe again...
I agree ! And here is an old but slighty updated explanatory view that shows what its all about... (however, this is not a new built kustom)
Nice use of the bumper for tail lights in the red roadster. I also like the fact that it doesn't have spots!
Thank you all for the history lesson on drip rails. And J.B i'm sorry to de-rail your thread hope theres no hard feelings One last thing please keep the pics coming
Well here is a shot that could look old if the modern cars were not in the pic.I think it fits in the 48 to 52 era real good.Sorry guys for posting another picture of my own car but I just think its a cool pic no matter who's car it was.I just think it fits the thread.
After looking at the last pic of Kevins merc and someone can honestly say that these cars should be laying frame ........... please for everyones sake ,exit this thread ASAP.
I just think you are excited that you can posts pictures now. JK your car is killer Jeff the more pictures the better.
Paul Bragg reassures me that even a hammered roof can still carry a great's been fun watching this one has a lot of different but still tasteful elements that I really like...